Chapter 11: The War Keeps Raging On

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  Evly's POV
All of a sudden glass shattered everywhere and Mason dove to shield me. How kind of him! And typical. As hunters come crashing in, I hear poor Kelly screaming. Of course she's terrified. When I hear that all the glass has stopped shattering I look up to see all sorts of hunters wearing their hoods and bandanas covering their nose and mouth, each a different color to resemble what association they're from.

"Mason, help me up."

Not the best idea because of course I'm still in pain but I can't just sit here and do nothing as my "family" attacks an innocent pack.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Katie, can you grab Kelly and meet us in the library?"

Katie nods her head as she picks up a screaming Kelly and Mason puts my arm around him to help me walk. Mid-way to the library I almost collapse.

"What is it? Are you ok??"

A worried Mason asks.

"Just a sharp pain came straight to my head."

It was more then just sharp pain, I couldn't stand it it was so painful. We finally reached the library and quickly went inside and barricaded the door with all the bookshelves and the desk. Kelly seemed to settle down but she still looked pretty shaken up.

"Remember that one night when you wanted me to sing to you?"

Still scared, she only nodded.

"Well maybe me and Mason can sing to you to calm you down a bit, would that help?"

Kelly finds that spark again and shakes her head as a sign of a big yes. Mason grabs his guitar as I think of a song to sing. Before I can think of something, he starts playing and singing a nightcore version of Safe and Sound I showed him before. I can't believe he remembered.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go. When all those shadows almost killed your light."

When he sang, he kept his gaze on me. Sadly, he chose a song that had everything to do with my coma and the war. But of course I sang along but I tried to keep my gaze on Kelly to keep myself from getting emotional.

"I remember you said don't leave me here alone. But all that's dead and gone passed tonight."

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound..."

Katie looked extremely happy when I glanced at her. So I guess that means I'm not singing terribly. Mason continues the song, "Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire. The war outside keeps raging on."

This time he looked at Kelly while singing.

"Hold on to this lullaby. Even when the music's gone... Gone..."

He sang so sweetly. We sang the whole song until Kelly was completely calm and falling asleep. With a leftover bookshelf, we created a sort of bed/crib for her. But she of course slept peacefully as we had all expected. Katie snuck out through a little gap in the barricade to go get some extra blankets while Mason mind-linked Liam to tell him we're all alright. Mason was in an intense conversation with Liam, given the situation. Liam was updating him about everything that was going on and Mason was giving him orders to handle the situation. I decided to stand up and find a book to read but as soon as I stood up the pain came back in my head and I almost fell had I not held onto the desk to help me stand. What is it with these headaches? Katie came back with blankets and saw that I was not feeling so great.

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