Chapter 8: Poisonous

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Evly's POV
We all hurried into Kelly's room. I can sense the poisonous gas still looming in her room. Poor Kelly. She didn't deserve this. I walk up to her bed, everyone's gaze glued to what I might do next. I prop her head up slightly, examining her. I remember in training we learned something about this, but not too much. Katie comes next to me, her hand on my shoulder. She whispers to me, barely audible.

"There's a man in the garden. He's a hunter. No one knows he's there but he's definately waiting for you."

I nod and I let go of Kelly's hand. Luckily she seemed to have a change of pace in her dream and she began sleeping soundly.

"I'm calling an emergency meeting. We will discuss this matter and how we will handle it. All of you know where to go, I'll meet you there."

Mason called a meeting but he wouldn't let me in on the meeting. Luckily that gave me time to escape and handle this on my own. Katie follows me and directs me to the man. As soon as I see him I recognize him. That cynical man, why is he here.

"Why are you here? What did they ever do to you?"

"Ah! There's my beautiful princess. I told you I'd be back didn't I?"

"Cut the crap. Why are you here? What do you want from this pack?"

"Oh well that's an obvious question. I thought you were better at asking questions. Well to be honest, they have something that I want."

I get tempted to punch him in the face to wipe that smug smile off his stupid face.

"They have you my dear and I don't like that."

"So you harmed an innocent little girl? I don't understand what drives you to such extremes but leave the pack out of it! All this is between you and me only. Leave."

"Aw and I thought you'd be happier to see me. Sweet boyfriend too by the way. And what'd he think about my little message?"

I stand my ground but he can read me like an open book.

"Oh you mean you didn't tell him? After that little charade you didn't tell him you were hit either huh. So faithful to me I just can't wait to have you as my own."

I know that not telling him was wrong but really what could I have said.

"I said leave! Get out of here!"

"Oh honey I meant every word of my message. Here's another one just to get the ball rolling. I'm leaving. For now, but I will be back." He walks away laughing evilly.

I open the note and it says "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Better be prepared for strike three."

Oh what an evil cynical mad man he is! Katie comes rushing out.

"Oh my gosh who is that!?!"

"He used to be in the hunter association. But he got kicked out a long time ago yet he still goes by his hunter name and uses hunter gear. He's also a pervert."

"And right now by the looks of it, he's obsessed over you."

Liam comes out from the house and had obviously heard me and Katie's conversation.

"Woah! Someone other then Mason is obsessed over you! Well I guess it should be easy to pick and choose your true mate." Katie shoots him a look and I only scoff.

"Damn, no need to be mean."

And with that, Katie slapped him.

"Ow! What was that for?"

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