Chapter 13: So What Happens Next?

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Katie's POV
I stood outside Mason's study eavesdropping. I couldn't help but listen in on what was happening. The next part put me in shock.

"Mason, do you think it's possible that I could be able to shift. Like shift shift, into a wolf?"

Wait, what!?! I know what fire she's talking about but I always thought it was just some made up fire. After all, it was in a historical fiction book. But now that I think about it, I never took note of it possibly being a famous pack fire. Shoot, how did I not see this! But then her mother is a... Huntress... But it doesn't add up. Evly loves being a huntress, she loves the action. But then again it does add up because her mom would never let her go on a mission. Oh my gods this is big news. I leaned into the door again, waiting for Mason's response. He better say something reasonable. That brother doesn't always say the right thing.

"I... I-I think it could be possible."

Seriously! I can now relate to Tinker Bell wanting to go after Peter sometimes. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I did have snacks to deliver after all.

"I brought you guys some snacks!"

As soon as I stepped in the room the atmosphere felt pretty tense.

"So, what's up?"

"The ceiling."

Way to point out the obvious Mason...

"And next it's going to be the ceiling in the hallway."

"No, you should let her stay. We should probably let her in about the situation."

Thank you Evly! I set down the snacks and made a face at Mason before landing my gaze on Evly. She had a distant look on her face and was looking out the window. She turned her head to look at me and my jaw almost dropped to the floor. Her eyes looked different and she looked like she was in either pain or shock. I can always read her expression but this one is new. I'm actually not sure what she's feeling or thinking. Wait, on second thought. Her aura feels different. And it's like I can see her emotions easier. But that usually only happens with wolves because of the pack bond.

"Erm. You alright Evly?"

Evly was about to say something before Mason interrupted her.

"Evly is a werewolf. Somehow her parents. Real parents found a way to conceal her wolf for good. But, that madman did something that triggered her wolf so now, she's close to shifting."

He said it so flatly I wasn't sure how to react. I couldn't decide between pretending to be surprised because I was eavesdropping or just keep a blank stare. So instead made it look like I was lost in thought. Oh wait a minute, I was lost in thought.

"Does that mean you shifted for your first time?!"

I wasn't sure why but the words came out sounding like I was as happy as Tinker Bell after we defeated Captain Hook for the hundredth time.

"No. I was close to but I have not."


They both looked at me confused.

"I mean all the books say the whole entire pack vanished. Died in that fire. But it was a rogue attack and if someone wandered away it would've been completely obvious and in like every history book. On second thought, your whole situation should've been in a history book. So anyways, how did you end up with a huntress? The facts just don't match up. Hey Mason do you know if there's any source at all that happens to have a fact about hunters being involved?"

They both blinked twice. Either they were shocked I was caught up on history or they were shocked about the facts.

"Mason! Books, history, fire, hunters, involvement?"

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