Chapter 27. Trickery

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"Evly slow down! What has gotten into you! I've never seen you so cold towards her before!"

Evly took a deep breath before looking at Katie with a slightly hurt look causing Katie to do a double take and almost fall backwards.

"It's for the best. I'm not actually as angry as I sounded I just had to take precautions."


"Katie I stole a map and her tracking data."

"Oh. Wow."

"If she thinks I'm mad at her from the start she'll either not notice all together or when she does notice she won't be as hurt and do something rash."

"Oh you're good. But I gotta admit that still was a little messed up."

Evly sighed in defeat. She knew Katie was right but it was just something she had to do. They simply continued on in silence. They trudged through the forest but had to stop for the day to regain their energy.

The three girls took to the trees and made small talk as they all tried to drift off to sleep.

"I wonder how Mason's doing right now."

"Knowing him, he's probably throwing a fit. Typical Macy. But I'm sure that when we get back he'll be waiting with open arms for you."

"I sure can't wait for that day to come."


Liam had been cuddling with Zack when Mason called for him through the mind link, distress clear in his call.

"Duty calls. I'll be back soon, bye Zack!"

He cheerily gave Zack a goodbye kiss before climbing through the vents and popping out of the ceiling when he reached Mason.

"Ah! As much as I'm glad you're back to your old self could you not just pop out of the ceiling?"

"Sorry. Whadaya need?"

"I can't reach Evly by phone and I just want to check in with her and make sure she's alright."

"Hm. Why don't you call your mother-in-law."

Mason cringed a bit before agreeing, coming to the conclusion that at least he'll be able to talk to Evly and find out what he wants.


"Hi, it's-"

"Oh! What a surprise! Alpha Mason, it's not like you to be calling me!"

"I just wanted to check in and see if Evly was still with you."

"No, she left right at sunrise. But I think I can help you find some peace. Let me get my tracker and-"


"Shit! That sneaky girl! I'm sorry to disappoint you but you might just have to track her the old fashioned way. She took my tracking device and my map. But I think I can give you a head start, that map leads to an old cave we suspect may be some secret hideout for-"

"Is she safe? Will she be safe there?"

"Well. I've definitely trained her to be able to be prepared to be in a place like that."

"Thank you, we'll keep in touch."

Kelly came running in with a fairy costume on and a wand in her hand.

"When do Luna and Auntie Katie get back?"

"Well you know a good adventure like the one they're on takes a lot of time so we're not sure a specific day or time," Liam told her.

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