Chapter 4: Camping

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Evly's POV

Before we decided to actually start packing, we ended up playing a heated card game and everyone took a quick nap after that. We took five backpacks so that the five of us would carry one backpack. We made sure to pack all sorts of snacks, deck of cards, portable speakers, waters, anything needed on a regular basis stuffed into four backpacks. The fifth backpack, the one I had, had all kinds of small weapons or dangerous items for self defense and making a fire. This backpack of course was mine because I wanted to be the one prepared for danger even though we had two werewolves with us. I still feel bad about only knowing one of their names. Although I think I heard the others calling him Liam so I'm guessing that's his name.

"Alright, is everyone good to go? We have everything packed, right?"

Everyone grumbled a small yes in response before we headed out back to the forest. For safety precautions, we decided that I would be scouting up in the trees. Well actually it was my suggestion because trees were much more peaceful than hiking with a bunch of groggy grumps.

Soon enough the sun was setting when we were in the middle of the forest. Not too long after we found a good spot to set up camp, so we split up and got firewood and just big logs in general to sit on. As we all peacefully started to sit by the fire I couldn't help but pull out my guitar. I tuned it while the others set up the tents and decided who's tenting with who. I started to play a quick tune seeing if my guitar was ready to play some One Direction songs that hopefully no one would cringe upon hearing.

We all sat around the campfire when I had started playing Little Things and Amanda had started singing along with me. After a couple other songs by One Direction, The Vamps, and 5SOS, me, Amanda, and Charlotte stood up like we planned and used our phones to play the instruments to Lips are Movin' and we happily danced and sang together and we all had a laugh. After that, we went back to One Direction songs. 

It got better when I got to see Mason's smile and his handsome eyes as he would look at me and WHAT AM I THINKING. How are these thoughts even entering my brain? I don't do well with boys! Especially werewolf boys since I'm a hunter. Well forgetting about that, we hyped up our energy with Girl Almighty but as it got later into the night we lowered the energy with Night Changes, 18(one direction), and ended with repeating Little Things to end the night as we all went to sleep in our own separate tents. 

We were going to arrange sharing but I guess we ended up just going with our own tents. So while everyone sleepily walked to their tents, I put out the fire and said goodnight to everyone. Finally, when I fell asleep I had begun dreaming, but it wasn't peaceful like I had hoped. 

The same nightmare, again. This time, I saw a woman. She was surrounded by a bunch of flames and she looked distressed. The dream seemed to focus a little more and I could see the woman's face. She was looking down at an infant in her arms. As if sensing me, she looked up at me but before she said anything I freaked when I saw a blazing beam coming down. Right as I thought it was going to land on me and kill me I woke up screaming. 

When I opened my eyes I looked up seeing Mason was inside my tent holding me as if he shook me awake. I took a couple deep breaths before sighing as I see Amanda, Charlotte, and Liam standing outside my tent. Lucky me. 

A few minutes later they retreated back to their tents and probably went back to sleep but me, I just laid there waiting for the sun to rise, afraid that if I closed my eyes then I'd be back in the fire. I let out a loud sigh, looking over at Mason who smiled at me to reassure me. Lucky me, I get to sleep with a werewolf. That is, if I fall asleep somehow.

"You know you don't have to stay with me. I feel better now. I feel bad enough for waking you up."

"It's okay. I think I'd rather stay though. Just in case."


Mason's POV

I had just begun to fall asleep when I hear screaming that sounded like Evly. I can tell that she's tough but this time she seemed to sound distressed. On instinct, I jumped out of my tent and rushed over to her tent. Liam, Charlotte and Amanda were all outside her tent, arguing who should go in to wake Evly up. I gave them a quick glance, rolled my eyes then went into her tent. She looked as scared as she sounded. I tried to snap her out of it simply by calling her name, but it didn't seem to work so I began shaking her awake. When she opened her eyes fear was written all over them. And then there was a little bit of shock and disgust. Because I was holding her in my arms. My mate didn't like that I was holding her in my arms.

"Are you okay?" Is what I should've said yet I couldn't manage to say a single word so I continued to stare at her. She took in a few deep breaths and I heard Charlotte, Amanda, and Liam leaving. She seems a bit down still but also at peace. She seems to be deep in thought. I can't help but be mesmerized by watching her subtle movements which is really weird but I'm sure it's because of the mate bond. She lets out another loud sigh before turning to look at me, a little bit of surprise laced in her face.

"You know you don't have to stay with me. I feel better now. I feel bad enough for waking you up."

I can sense her discomfort which kind of makes me sad. She doesn't want me to stay with her. Not exactly the kind of response I would have expected but then again everything about her is nothing close to what I thought my mate would be like. Yet I am extremely attracted and attached to her.

"It's okay. I think I'd rather stay though. Just in case." I lied. I wanted to stay so I could be close with her. I know she wants to be alone but I want her to be open with me.

She seemed to accept it because she laid back down, her back facing me. After I broke the awkward silence starting up a conversation we ended up laying there talking awhile before both of us drifted off and fell asleep. 

When I woke up, Evly was still sleeping but unlike our position last night, I was holding her close to me, my arms around her waist and her head in my chest. I felt I should let go but I couldn't. I wanted this moment to last, so I didn't let go. She looked so peaceful. 

In almost no time, I could hear the others starting to get up and already having their own little adventure just outside the tent, but surprisingly Evly was still sound asleep. I tried my best to pretend I was sleeping when the others came to wake Evly up. Not the best idea because when they came in they quickly hushed each other and started taking pictures?

"V, wake up!" Charlotte cooed while holding back a laugh.

I open one eye and they instantly try hiding their cameras. And of course after their cameras are hidden Evly starts to wake up. When she sees she is in my arms in front of the others, she seems wide awake and instantly scoots away. I look at her questionably and her reaction is written all over her face. She's not blushing or acting shy but instead she looks way too surprised for my comfort and she also looks a bit disgusted mixed in with remorse.

Clearing her throat, her face changes hiding her previous disgust. "Sorry about that. I guess I got cold last night." And that was all she had to say.

"Aww you guys are so cute! You guys would look so cute as a couple!" This time Amanda was putting thoughts in our heads.

Evly simply shot her a look of disapproval. This time it was Liam laughing, no giggling like a teenage girl. So this time it was me who sent him a look of disapproval. He is so getting it when we get back to the pack. Speaking of the pack, they're either all still drunk or are worried about where me and Liam are. Oh no. My sister must be worried sick! She's still a juvenile, she doesn't drink!

"Alright well enough fun and games we need to get back to the pack."

And with that everyone went back to boring and emotionless robots, packing everything up. Well, that was definitely one heck of a camping trip. There is no way I'll be forgetting this trip.

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