Chapter 18: Running the Pack

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  Evly's POV
Alright. Just run the pack like Mason would. Nothing to it. I got this... I walked into the arguing crowd and everyone gave me a pathway to the front of the room.

"Where's Alpha Mason!?!"

"Ya! How come he's not running the meeting like he's supposed to!"

"I told you he's too young for the job."

"Why'd he send some girl to do his job."

I could feel my blood start to boil but I kept my composure.

"EVERYONE QUIET! You have no right to be questioning your Alpha. He runs your pack to the best of his abilities and you as a pack should be the ones to trust him and support him! Not talk about ways how he's possibly abusing his power."

"You tell us that but how come he couldn't show up."

"He's currently in a state where he cannot help you right now."

"So he sent his little girlfriend to do his job because he can't do it himself!"

I could hear everyone talking poorly about me and I wasn't sure how to gain their respect because... #1. I'm not their Alpha. #2 I'm a girl. #3 I'm a huntress... Liam stepped on the table and sounded a loud whistle grabbing everyone's attention.

"HEY! If you want to be on time for dinner tonight you should all listen and respect Evly!"

"Why? She's a girl. And on top of that she's a huntress!"

Liam was about to go after whoever said that but I stopped him. I cleared my throat before speaking and everyone's eyes were on me.

"I know my place, I know what I am, and I know what you are. You're forgetting that I am to be your future Luna. But right now, tell me, if you look around, what do you see?"

"A pack falling apart because their Alpha isn't doing his job!"

"That's not what I see! I have come across all the packs in one lifetime being a huntress. I know that that doesn't make you trust me one bit but I proved to you all that I mean no harm. When you talk poorly about your Alpha do you know what I hear? I hear your own fear but you're all too cocky to admit that without Mason you'd all be dead. Every other pack may not have been able to beat you but right now I bet they could beat you all without making an effort. And it's not because you're vulnerable. It's because you don't know what you are without guidance. I'm not a motivational speaker and I'm not one to make a speech. I may not have been here that long, but I've been here long enough to know this pack inside and out. Like the back of my hand. You can't always just point fingers and find someone to blame. Now Alpha Mason can't be here so I'm stepping in for him, me being your future Luna... I expected you all to stay strong because you respect your Alpha. But I guess I was wrong. What makes a pack weak isn't always a weak Alpha. It's most likely the pack not respecting nor trusting their Alpha. Now Mason has been through a hell of a lot of trouble just trying to save your butts. Everything he does is to keep others safe. Never himself. You should be thankful that your Alpha is as young and strong as him. He is a great leader and me. I'm not even half the leader he is! But I'm here now working my butt off to get you to trust me. I know we're in a huge wreck right now and I know we could be attacked any minute now. But I am doing the best I can so please trust me and let me do my job!"

I took a deep breath after saying all that. I hate public speaking I always have. So for me to give them a big speech definitely challenged me. Liam started a slow clap and then everyone joined him in a huge round of applause. People began cheering, but I couldn't get them to stop. In the back of the crowd I see a masked man making his escape. Shoot he's going to lock us all in here.

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