The Legend

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"Well," he said, taking a seat on a log located next to my bed he made, "It's a long story. See, some people think Herobrine was Notch's brother, or something like that, but this - this is the real legend.

          "Herobrine wasn't once Herobrine. He was a normal Minecraft civilian who was friendly and kind. However, people say one day he just . . . Changed.

           "First, he would spend days upon days inside caverns and caves. He would barely ever come out, only to eat or replenish his wood supplies.

          "Then, one day, it began to get worse. People, miners especially, would report strange occurrences underground. Like perfectly circular caverns, or mysterious structures. At first, people didn't know what to think of it, but it soon became obvious.

          "Herobrine didn't only disappear for days upon days; he also gained complete control of mobs. Once, on the rare occasion where he spent more than a day in the overworld, he lost a gamble to a young man. That night, an army of creepers were seen blowing his house to bits.

          "He lived by himself. The only person who still cared about him was his sister, Stephanie. One day, after rumors had spread about Herobrine 'controlling' mobs, she went to confront him. She never came back.

          "Her body was discovered three days after she was last seen. And her eyes were white and empty.

          "Herobrine had never been seen since.

          "Even though it's been years after it happened, people still report strange occurrences and the occasional death. And every single death has resulted in the same way; the victim's eyes being white and empty.

          "You might be wondering why this place is called 'Herobrine's Temple'. Well, it's said that whenever Herobrine wanted to kill someone - or in other words, make them soulless like him - he would take them to this Temple. And when he was done, he would take the body back to where he or she was last seen, and leave them there. They also say that Herobrine hid something in that temple. A sword made of dark magic. A sword of pure evil. A sword which lets the wielder use dark powers, but at the cost of their own freedom. A sword only Herobrine can fully master."

Steve looked at me. And his eyes were dead serious.

"Many people have died searching for that sword. Many people. Then you come along, and walk straight past it."

He smiled at the last bit, and it seemed to lift the tense atmosphere.

"Well, what do ya think?" he grinned. "Go back and find that mysterious sword?"

It didn't take me long to decide.

"Never in my life."

Herobrine's Legend (The Wielder Chronicles Book One)Where stories live. Discover now