Lost and Found

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Zach's POV

It was... Well, I guess the only way to explain it was magnificent. But evil. Just looking at sent shivers colder than ice down my back. Tall red walls, and a design which looked hundreds of years old (just like the one on the cover XD).

Harry looked just as nervous as I felt. I was sick in my stomach. This place was so big... Was I ever going to be able to find Nya?

Harry put his hand on my shoulder. "We'll find her, mate. I know we will. We got this far." I looked at him. All this time, I didn't realise how much I depended on him. Without Harry, and I know this sounds cheesy, I don't think I'd have made it this far. He was the only person who believed I would find Nya. I needed that kind of relief.

I pulled out my sword, the silver blade shining dimly in the red light. "Let's go."

We knew that we couldn't be found, since that could mean a fight. So we kept quiet and stuck to the shadows as much as we could, which wasn't to hard. Herobrine's Palace, or mansion, or whatever you want to call it, didn't have much of a lighting system. We had already gotten inside, and we were sliding through the countless different halls as silently as we could. I had peeked into several rooms, none which seemed occupied. Oh, Nya. Where could you be?

Suddenly, I recognised the sound of footsteps on the hot, deep red floor. They were loud and intimidating, and I quickly nudged Harry to alert him. I stared at him and said in my head; Someone's coming, lets hide. He seemed to get the basic idea of what I was trying to get through to him. But there weren't many places we could hide. The nearest room was just across the hall, but crossing over into the light could mean getting spotted. But if I really wanted to find Nya, I was going to have to take a few chances. I grabbed Harry's shirt and pulled him across the hallway, opened the door as fast as I could, and shut it behind us. Holding my breathe, I leant against the door and listened to the foot steps getting louder and closer.

Suddenly, they stopped. I prayed that whoever it was didn't notice we were there. It remained silent for a while longer...

And then the foot steps went past the door, and I listened as they became softer and softer. Finally, it was completely silent. Harry and I shared a sigh of relief. Then I realised we had walked into a room we hadn't checked yet. Looking around, I took in my surroundings; the room was much more elegantly decorated than the other, almost empty rooms we had peeked into. There was a large bed with silk sheets and velvet blankets (although I'm not sure why you would need them in this warm atmosphere) and a large mirror against a wall. I stepped forward, until I was looking at my full reflection. And there, in the darkness of the corner of the room, I saw the slightest amount of movement. Squinting, I realised the movement was of that of a figure. A human figure. Then they stepped forward into the light.

My mouth went dry and I nearly collapsed there on the spot. I could only only speak five words.

"Nya... What happened to you?"



I've started writing a second story called Charisma Queen


It's sort of a romance fantasy story that I've been working on for a while now, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd read it or even just check it out

So yeah, Charisma Queen everybody :)

- Jazz

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