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Nya's POV

Argh. The bright light was seriously disturbing my sleep. Wait, bright light? I sat up, and I nearly screamed in pain. My ankle hurt like hell. It was morning, and from where the sun was, it was about midday. Oh Notch, I was sleeping for that long? I looked over at the bench across my bed. To my surprise, Zach was sleeping - yes, sleeping - on a hard, cold wooden bench.

 "Er, hey, Zach? Um, what happened? Why does my ankle feel like someone's ripped it off and stuck it back on again?" I asked, my voice heavy from sleep. He instantly sat up, as if he was awake the whole time. "Nya! Thank Notch, you're finally awake! Geez, Nya, you scared me half to death when you fell from that tree-"

 "Hey, Nya. Good to see you're awake." I looked over to see Steve, with his familiar crooked grin gazing down at me. I smiled back, grateful for them both being here.

"So... What happened? I remember heaps of zombies, a whole lot of arrows, and... I think I fell?" I inquired, struggling to remember last night.

"Yeah, and you fell hard on your ankle. I think you collapsed in pain. We got you up here, fixed up your wounds, and now you're awake!" Zach said, his eyes shining. Ok, so now what? If I try to move, my ankle stops me straight away, and if I stay still too long, I'll die of boredom. Argh, I hate Karma.


Steve's POV

If it weren't for Zach, I wouldn't of been stuck in bed, and Nya wouldn't of gotten hurt. This is all his fault. Well, at least Nya's awake now, although her ankle injury will take a while to heal. He told me he saved her. But I knew that if he weren't here, Nya wouldn't of been in that tree anyways. I can't believe Nya actually trusts that liar. Obviously he's gonna betray us or get us killed or something, I mean, he's definitely a dodgey character.

I found her first. Finders Keepers, Zach Dare. One, he hits on Nya when I'm either sleeping or away hunting or something; Two, he poisoned me with damn rotten flesh; Three, he almost got Nya killed. It won't be long until Nya sees this side of him, the side I see. One day, Nya will wake up and realise I've been right. One day, Zach will be begging me for mercy. Just you wait.



so I've finally done Steve's POV, but don't expect to see many of those; Mostly Nya and Zach

Oh and those little random facts:  I'm 13 and live in Australia :) Anyways, see ya!!

 btw my fellow Australians, don't forget to take a minute silence today :) Lest we forget.

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