Ghast Attack

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Zach's POV

The swirling mass of purple made my head feel like it was being turned inside out. I felt like I was being twisted and warped in countless different ways; so yeah, not a great feeling.

Suddenly, I felt something solid under my feet. Even through my thickly soled shoes, I could feel the heat radiating from the ground. I opened my eyes and gasped.

The whole world was made of red stone. Lava lakes that seemed bigger than oceans and steep drops higher than the tallest mountain littered the landscape. And God, was it hot.

I turned to see Harry next to me with his mouth dropped open in awe. "What... What is this."

"This must be the nether." I looked to my right to see a group of strange hybrids... Wait, were they pigs? I silently prayed to Notch that these creatures, whatever they were, wouldn't hurt us.

Harry and I began walking around aimlessly, keeping close to the portal which was our only way back to the Overworld. Suddenly, a strange noise filled the air.

"Was that... A baby?" Harry asked, his voice shaking with nerves.

"Don't be stupid; a baby, here?" But I struggled to believe myself; this was Minecraft, anyhow. Anything is possible.

The sound seemed to get closer, and soon it was deafeningly loud. I covered my ears.

"What is that?" Harry asked over the noise.

"I don't know!" I practically screamed back. Then it was clear.

A huge, ghostly white shape came from around the corner of a cliff. It opened it's mouth and let out the most hideous baby's wail I had ever heard. Harry saw it too.

His eyes widened. "Zach... Zach, that's a ghast."

And as if on cue, a burning ball of fire was hurled at us. We jumped to different sides, narrowly missing the ball and the explosion that it had created. Looking down into the hole in the ground. I realised that there was a pool of lave directly below us. The ghast opened it's mouth and let out a second fiery grenade.

"JUMP!!" I screamed to Harry. He leaped to the left, just managing to miss the blow. Then I realised our mistake.

"Harry! The portal!" He seemed to realise what I meant because he ran to the the portal, which was too far away for comfort.

The ghast launched it's third fire ball. And it hit the portal with a direct hit. Once the smoke had cleared, I saw that only the rectangular doorway of obsidian remained; no glowing purple in the centre; no way home.

I grabbed my sword and launched myself at the ghast, which was a bit difficult seeing as it was high up in the air. It aimed at shot a fireball at me, but this time, I was prepared. Using all my strength, I deflected the fireball away from me using my sword; and it hit the ghast square in the middle. It disappeared with a loud screech. Quickly collecting it's remains, I ran back to Harry, who was standing nearby the non-operative portal.

We both stood there for a while, considering things. "Well..." Harry said finally. "We're screwed."


So yeah, finally the next chapter.

I think I'm on a roll here guys I have some ideas for the big finish ;)

So yeah, keep reading, and keep being awesome.


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