Dinner Party

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Zach's POV

The rotten flesh was literally oozing in my grasp. Ew, the sight was seriously removing my appetite.

It took some time for the meat to be cooked. I served them up on half blocks - one for everyone.

But I made Steve's special.

You couldn't see the rotten flesh amongst the other food on the plate.

I fought the urge to add more. But that would make it too seeable. That was too risky.

"Alright everyone, dinner! Come'n'geddit!" I called out across the circular muliple storied treehouse.

Nya came sprinting down. I handed her an unpoisoned plate. She took it and begun gulping down eagerly.

Steve arrived more slowly. He took his plate. I didn't miss the glare he sent my way. That asshole.

I settled down next to Nya, much to Steve's obvious annoyance. His fault for not getting the seat first. And, typicly, Nya missed our little rally of dirty looks.

"This is real nice, Zach! Thanks." I could barely understand Nya's words. Honestly, don't-talk-while-you're-eating is the first rule mothers teach their children.

Steve ate his much more slowly, but after Nya's story of Tali stealing her key to her apartment, his plate was completely empty. It only took him about thirty seconds to realize his mistake.

Well, let's just say, it wasn't pretty.

And, as expected, he not-so-publicly blamed me for it. Him and his little glaring games.

Once we laid him in bed, he immediately feel asleep. Nya and I... Just sat there. Ok, now what? Do I go with Plan B?

"You put the flesh in his food, didn't you, Zach?" She said at last. That was the least thing I expected her to say.

My expression must of been an answer enough. She began raging at me.

"Why would you do such a thing Zach? Tonight was going fine until you pulled this little stunt. Oh, Notch, what should I tell Steve? That his housemate-"

"Nya, I'm pretty sure he knows already. That guy must of spent his life practicing his glares, 'cuz he certainly knows how to give one."

Nya's rage began to weaken. This was my chance.

"Look, Nya, I'm sorry. It's just, I don't trust that guy. He looks at you like he owns you, and I... I don't like that, Nya. Please-"

She put her head in her hands.

"Since when did life become so confusing? Since when did you hate Steve? Since when does he send you glares when he thinks I'm not looking? Why is he jealous, of all things? Why... Why do you make me feel so safe, so cared for? Why do you make me feel happy and wanted? I don't understand anything anymore!" She wailed. I could nearly feel her holding back tears.


I knelt down so my face was level with hers. I pulled her chin up so I could see her face, like I did that night.

"Because... Because I love you, Nya d'Analov..."

I leaned in closer.

"And... I think you feel the same way about me."

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