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Zach's POV

Bam. It was like a slap to the face.

How is this even possible?

I stepped back, away from the painting.

I was in the centre of the room. All the walls were covered in gruesome paintings.

Then it hit me.

This place... This place... Its like its telling a story.

I started at the painting of little Steve and his family. Funny, they all looked so alike.

I moved to right. And slowly, slowly, the whole world made sense.

The paintings were lined up along the wall in a specific order. Each one told a piece of past.

1st painting: Steve and co. outside a house, looking happy (the only happy painting here I should add)

2nd painting: the same house, burned down, the forest around it smoldering.

3rd: 3 gravestones on top of a mountain, the names unclear.

4th: a young boy in a cyan shirt and purple pants trekking across a barren desert.

5th: a dark cave, with mobs hiding in the darkness.

6th: a village on fire, and the painting was so lifelike I swear I could hear the villagers terrified screams. Mobs surrounded the village in an unnatural circle, preventing anyone from escaping the burning town. A man (Steve) was facing the fire, so I could only see his back.

7 to 12th: several other burning towns, each with the same circle of mobs and Steve facing it.

13th: this one was different. It was a golden cavern, with lava dividing it and a single anvil in the centre. And someone was busy working on the anvil, slamming fists onto stone, but it was too dark to see who.

14th: on top of the anvil was a new, glittering diamond sword that, sadly, looked very familiar. It hit me; this was the sword that Nya had found! (and nearly killed me with, but let's not mention that, shall we?).

15th: This surprised me the most. Because, for the first time, I saw the man's face.

It was definitely Steve. He was much older than the child in the painting, but younger than the Steve I knew. He was standing outside a jungle temple, the sword held firmly in his right hand. The sun's rays made the sword shine so much it was nearly blinding.

16th: the sword was passed onto someone, a young man, and once he took it, his eyes seemed to become glassy and emotionless.

17th: it was night in a deserted jungle, and the full moon shone above. The same young man still held the sword, but his eyes were, instead of emotionless, completely empty. Like, you could look through them forever.

And yeah, they were glowing white.


*avoids all eye contact*

yeah, sorry about not publishing sooner, BUT I HAVE AN EXCUSE THIS TIME

Okay, for one, I use the wattpad app on my phone, and that keeps screwing up :(

Like, seriously, I write half a chapter and then it justs deletes itself (this happened about 5 times before I gave up)

But also I have been busy, like, I have tones of homework, and I started this great new manga I couldn't put down... (gakuen alice if you are wondering - please read its so good)

Right now i am lying on the ground in my bedroom because i am 'sick'. Cmon, everyone fakes sickness once in a while to get out of school! ...right?

Anyways, see ya

-Jazzcat :D

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