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Nya's POV:

Steve, surprisingly, didn't turn up in the morning.

He left last night for some mob-hunting. Freshen up the supplies, Zach told me.

I nodded. What if he was hurt? What if he was KILLED? What would I do?

I heard a familiar meow. I turned to see Zazzles appear from behind the tree log which was the centre of our little treehouse.

"Hey, girl. What's up? You hungry?" I asked her, and she meowed, which I took as a 'yes'.

I went and collected some fish from the chest and gave it to her to eat. She began eating hungrily. And all the time, I felt Zach's eyes searching me.

"What?" I asked him, a little too sharply. He turned away.

I wanted to say sorry, but the words were stuck in my throat. Just then, he sat up, but still refused to look at me directly in the eye.

"Let's see if we can go find Steve" he muttered. There was a strange tone in his voice. Almost... No, it couldn't be.

"Good idea." I told him.

I looked up. They sky had barely risen. I took my preferred weapon, a bow, out of a chest and slung it on my back. Father would call me a coward for using a bow. A real man (yes, he would say that to his DAUGHTER) fights head-on, not from an unfair distance. From my experience, being good with arrows was a pretty handy skill to have.

We took it easy, first searching through the trees surrounding our home, and slowly branched further out into the wilderness. Looking up, I noticed the pale blue sky shining through the gaps in the canopy, and it reminded me.

"Hey, er, Zach?" What... What happened to that sword we found down in the cave?" I asked him, trying to disguise the real curiosity in my voice. He turned to me.

"Um... I'm not sure if I should tell you that, Nya. According to the legend, anyone who wields Herobrine's Blade will eternally fall under it's... Spell. I think it'd be better if you didn't know." he replied, then turned away.

"Aw, c'mon! I swear, I want nothing to do with that sword."

I pulled the puppy dog eyes, and his firm expression weakened. Truth was, I didn't want anything to do with that cursed weapon, but something at the back of my mind, well, just HAD to know where it is.

"Um... Hey! Look over there!" He turned his head away from mine, and pointed towards a large cluster of tall trees sitting at the bottom of a hill.

"There? Is that Steve?" He asked, obviously trying to steer my attention away from the sword. And it worked.

Steve's unique cyan shirt was visible through the undergrowth of the jungle, and I could see that he was slowly walking towards us.

I ran to meet him, and Zach followed.

"Steve? Holy Notch, where have you been? What happened? Are you hurt?"

The questions came out in a flurry, and I could barely tell what I was saying.

"I'm fine, Nya. Don't worry."

Was it just me, or did he send a smug smile in Zach's direction?

"I got hurt quite badly by a damn zombie. I was limping towards where I though the treehouse was, but I couldn't see anything in the dark. Then Sarah and John came and found me. They took me to their home village, and let me heal there overnight. Oh god, I slept so soundly anyone would of thought I was dead!"

He finished off his little story with a grin. But, his smile disappeared just as quickly.

"While I was asleep, though, the village was attacked. Dozens were killed. Thank Notch I looked nearly dead while I was sleeping, 'cuz apparently whatever killed all the people was like a tornado. It went from door to door, and would kill everyone he found. But once the sun rose, it just... Disappeared. I don't know what happened. I woke up, and the entire place was in turmoil. I left to make room for the other wounded."

This was terrible. Who would do such a thing? Who would kill innocent people for no apparent reason at all? It was sick.

We made a quick decision to walk back to the treehouse.

"So..." Steve begun awkwardly. "What did you guys do last night?"

He asked, failing miserably at hiding his confusion and... What was that other tone he used? Bitterness?

Zach coughed. Yeah, like that helped.

"I defended the tree, and Zach went hunting." I said much too quickly, and Steve raised his eyebrows at me.

"Oh... Ok then. If you insist."

That didn't give me any reassurance. At all.

We continued walking back home in an awkward silence. Did I mention I hate those?

Once we got back, I offered to fill our cauldron with fresh water, while Zach would go find us some meat. Steve stayed behind to guard the treehouse.

I travelled slowly under the canopy of the thick jungle leaves, not all the anxious to get back. I was still confused as to the tone in which Steve had asked what we did that night.

At first, I guessed bitterness. It was close... Yet also far away. Suspicion? Kinda. But there was something else...

I dropped my bucket on the forest floor. No, it couldn't be...

Steve had been jealous?



Who likes the idea?? I'm guessing you guys knew this was gonna happen....

WELL IM SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE wattpad was playing up on my phone but its working now so expect more added chapters :)

Alright guys, see ya


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