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"Do you ever think about what our lives would've been like if, um, you know, it didn't happen?" Shauna's voice was soft, almost hesitant, as if she was unsure whether it was the right time to bring it up.

Taissa paused, the question hanging in the air for a moment before she responded. "Yeah, sometimes." She sat down on the edge of the bed, her gaze distant as she contemplated Shauna's words.

Shauna joined her, sitting down and picking at a loose thread on the blanket. "Well, I was going to go to Brown," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of wistfulness and regret.

"Wow," Taissa said, her eyes widening slightly. "That's impressive."

Shauna nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I was going to write amazing papers on Dorothy Parker and Virginia Woolf," she continued, her voice growing more animated as she spoke. "I had this dream of being a literary scholar, you know? Maybe even a writer someday."

Taissa smiled softly, her eyes filled with understanding. "That sounds incredible, Shauna. You would've been great."

Shauna's smile grew bigger, her eyes distant as she imagined the life she could have had. "And then I probably would've bumped into Evelyn in the library or something, and she'd still be getting on my nerves with her know-it-all attitude."

Taissa chuckled lightly, the sound a welcome relief in the heavy atmosphere. "Evelyn does have a way of pushing people's buttons, doesn't she? Especially yours."

Shauna laughed, the sound genuine and light, cutting through the tension of their grim reality. "Yeah, she really does. I can just see it now—me sitting there, trying to study for an exam and then there's Evelyn, not even bothering to open her book but still getting the highest score."

Taissa chuckled at the image, her eyes sparkling with a rare moment of levity. "Oh, God," she said, shaking her head. "That's so her. I wonder how she does that."

"We were gonna be, like, full rivals until we weren't, you know? That kind of thing," Shauna continued, her smile widening.

Taissa nodded, her smile soft and understanding. "Yes. Yes, I can see that," she said, her voice warm.

Shauna's smile grew wistful as she continued, "But then the teacher would pair us up for a project, and things would get heated with her being absolutely smitten."

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