Episode 277 Chapter 52: Practical Training (7)

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Practical Training (7)

The Wind Empire is a country with a deep history, so there are plenty of legends and folktales between villages, making it impossible to get bored during a trip.

"You know, just 200 years ago, there was a nine-tailed fox living here."


Annella tried her best to ignore the old man at the next table, who was spitting as he talked.

"That kid from another region doesn't believe a word we're saying. Haha."

"I get it! When I was young, no one believed my story about fighting a two-headed wolf for 28 years!"

"Nonsense! That's just a lie!"

As the old men chattered, Annella quickly stood up and left the restaurant. The cold sweat that had been running down her back melted away in the cool breeze of the Wind Empire.

"Ah, this is nice..."

Indeed, the fresh air made her feel good. The old men, despite their boasting, just wanted to share their local legends and customs with strangers. They didn't have bad intentions.

Good people and a good culture.

A happy country.

...My country was destroyed.

"Well, that's a good thought!"

She walked stealthily, staying in the shadows and observing her surroundings. Although she was trying not to be noticed, it didn't seem to be very effective.

Even if she hid in the shade, it was impossible not to be seen under the bright sun. In fact, her sneaky movements as a young foreign girl drew quite a bit of attention.

"Hmm? Are you lost, student? Is this your first time in this country?"

"No, I have a map."

With her pigtails and the uniform of the Seberun Kingdom Magic School, she looked no older than a middle schooler. People of the Wind Empire, known for their kindness, kept showing concern for her.

As a dark mage infiltrating the Wind Empire, this attention wasn't good. Recently, there had been news that Eltman Eltwin was close to developing a technique to detect dark magic's mana waves, so she couldn't rely on her disguise forever.

'Besides, I've already been caught a few times.'

Even her perfect dark magic suppression technique, which sealed her dark magic to make it undetectable by ordinary mages, had been detected by ordinary Stella students like Flame and Baek Yu Seol. They were special individuals, different from others.

Although she survived thanks to their friendly disposition towards her, it was a close call.

'Anyway, where am I supposed to go and what am I supposed to do?'

The current order was ridiculously vague: go to the Wind Empire's capital, Taeyusan, and find traces left by the Witch King.

That was all well and good, but with no clues, what was she supposed to do?

Even if she preferred not to run into anyone, she couldn't spend over a week without achieving anything. Otherwise, she might really end up dead this time.

'...Anything? How?'

She felt utterly lost.

With no other choice, Annella wandered around famous tourist spots.

It wasn't that she was thinking about enjoying the sights with the risk of her heart exploding any moment. She just needed to do something, anything, to avoid going crazy from the anxiety.

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