Episode 315 Chapter 57: Damgal Toywol (1)

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Damgal Toywol (1)

Jelliel's question made Flame's head spin in many ways. Just asking such a question meant she was completely denying all the widespread rumors up until now.

Moreover, Flame knew how much determination it must have taken for Jelliel to ask that question.

In other words, Jelliel hadn't gotten as close to Baek Yu Seul as she thought and didn't know much about him.

"But... what do you mean by 'what's your relationship'? Why are you asking me that question?"

"Because you two have been hanging out together after school..."

That was really unexpected. As far as Flame knew, Baek Yu Seul always disappeared after school, presumably going somewhere with Jelliel.

"What are you talking about? I thought you two were dating."

"That's... not true. He always disappears after school, saying he's busy."

"So he wasn't hanging out with you?"

"I thought he was spending time with you."


In other words, Baek Yu Seul had been going out somewhere every day after school at Star Flower Tree, without missing a single day...

"Where is he wandering off to again?"

Flame had known since their time at Stella that Baek Yu Seul was always busy going out after school or on weekends.

But Stella was the center of the Aether continent, with warp gates and air and train routes spreading across the entire continent, and there were constant incidents and accidents to deal with nearby.

But here, at the World Tree, Baek Yu Seul couldn't go far even if he went out for a short time after school.

And it's not like there are many incidents within the World Tree. In the original novel, the story of the Skyflower Cradle was so uneventful that it was utterly boring.

"No, that's something you never know."

Flame didn't know where or what Baek Yu Seul was doing now, but whenever he was busy moving around, there was always something important going on.

The original novel had deviated so much that Flame couldn't be sure of the future anymore. In fact, Jelliel approaching her like this didn't make sense from the beginning.

"Well, he must be busy."

Flame had nothing to say to Jelliel right now, but she was satisfied to find out that Baek Yu Seul was running around with some purpose.


"Ah, that startled me."

Flame stumbled and grabbed the wall when the ground suddenly shook lightly during their conversation. The earthquake quickly subsided.

"Why does this keep happening recently?"

This didn't happen in the original story, so it made her feel anxious. It seemed certain that Baek Yu Seul's recent frantic activities were related, but she couldn't figure out the cause.

"...He'll tell me if I wait."

And the next day.

During roll call, one Stella student was absent.

"Baek Yu Seul? Cadet Baek Yu Seul? Is he not here? Has anyone seen him?"

"Well, he was sitting next to me just a moment ago."

"Where did he go?"

"He looked at his watch and then rushed out."

The professor clicked his tongue but didn't scold him, starting the class immediately as there wasn't time to waste.

I Became a Flashing Genius at the Magic Academy [158-362][English Translation]Where stories live. Discover now