Episode 287 Chapter 54: League of Spirits (1)

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League Of Spirits (1)

A girl with snow-white hair and eyes as radiant as platinum starlight was floating in the blue sky. She was sitting with her legs neatly together on a broomstick, a typical witch's method of flying.

At a speed of 290 km/h.

It could be considered fast, but for someone who could freely teleport, this speed was just a leisurely breeze.

Ah, so boring!

She shouted as she sped on the broomstick, her voice echoing as if it was coming from somewhere else. That's because her body wasn't real; it was an illusion.

Even if I enhance my senses, 20% is the limit...

The white witch, the queen of witches.

Even Scarlett couldn't perfect the doppelganger technique to create another body. Creating a second body itself goes against the laws of the world.

Should I try rummaging through a cemetery?

It had been a hundred years since she refused to use the doppelganger technique that involves animating corpses, deeming it too vulgar for the witch queen.

She was starting to regret it.

Well, I should be satisfied with this~ After all, I've been locked up for hundreds of years.

She lay down on the broomstick, crossing her legs, which made her skirt dangerously ride up. But there would be no pervert high enough in the sky to peek under her skirt.

Witch queen.

Until she heard a telepathic message hitting her ears like a brick.


Startled, Scarlett flailed and fell off the broomstick, revealing a gray man in mid-air.

Stop fooling around.

At those words, Scarlett, who was falling, suddenly stopped mid-air, hanging as if caught on a hook. With a sulky expression, she gathered up her skirt and wiggled her fingers. The broomstick, which had been floating above, flew down to support her.

It's not right for you to peep at a lady in the first place.

Struggling to get back on the broomstick, Scarlett crossed her legs and folded her arms.

Her attempts at expressing dissatisfaction seemed useless to the emotionless "New Moon."

So, why did you come here? Hui Gong Si Wol. You could've just come to my place directly. I would've treated you nicely.

Gray long hair, gray eyes.

The handsome man with a cold but neat impression ignored Scarlett's playful words and snapped his fingers.


A light motion.

But the result was not light.

The blue sky began to turn deep purple as if a curtain was drawn. And countless stars and galaxies started to be engraved in the sky.


Scarlett frowned and looked at the innumerable stars.

Some stars lost their light, and some flared up explosively. However, there wasn't a single "born star" to be seen.

The view has changed a lot since I last saw it~

The world is no longer being born.

Of course! Because we are here.

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