Episode 310 Chapter 56: Exchange Student (6)

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Exchange Student (6)

A legend has been passed down about the World Tree, known as the Primordial World Tree.

It is said that the first flower to bloom on the World Tree, a being called 'Flower God', was the first fairy to settle here and establish a kingdom.

Because this story dates back to a time even older than the era of the First Sorcerer, when history was properly recorded, no one could verify its truth. However, Florin believed in it.

The true king who bloomed first and took care of all the fairies...


Every time Florin stepped on a leaf, it made a sound as if a cushion was being gently pressed. Amazingly, the leaves she stepped on were not damaged at all. Instead, they regained their strength from the autumn wind and turned from reddish-brown back to green, gaining new life.

This is the power of the King of All Fairies and the Elf King: to grant life to all that they touch.

Having been tormented by the curse of death, Florin found this blessing, which was the complete opposite in nature, very appealing.

"...Where are you going?"

Baek Yu Seul followed Florin from behind.

"I just wanted to show you the scenery. You haven't had a proper look at the World Tree, have you?"


As she said, Baek Yu Seul had never properly appreciated the scenery of this place, the Skyflower Cradle.

His impression was very simple.

It's beautiful.

There were many famous beautiful places on Earth, though he hadn't visited them all. However, one thing he could be sure of was...

There was no place on Earth as beautiful as this.

Following Florin, Baek Yu Seul wore a complex expression. Florin had overheard the words he had uttered to Jelliel to explain himself, 'disappear'.

That was indeed a troublesome matter.

Jelliel had not sought a deeper explanation, so it was easier to move past it, but Florin was different.

Even though Baek Yu Seul refused to answer her in the end, she didn't press further. Instead, she insisted on showing him something and began walking somewhere.

They left the Starflower Tree Magic School, strolled through the Skyflower Cradle, passed the white palace and the Eternal Waterfall.

Finally, they arrived at a small tower deep in the forest where Florin had once resided in seclusion.

It was an incredibly beautiful place, enough to understand why the Elf King had hidden here. Baek Yu Seul wouldn't simply call a place beautiful just because it was filled with flowers and trees.

Sunlight struck the branches and spread out like an aurora, and despite it being early morning, something glittered like fireflies in the air, forming constellations. A yellow stream cascaded from somewhere in the sky, drenching the ground below.

Rather than trees, mysterious plants that resembled colorful beads swayed in the wind.

As Baek Yu Seul walked through this area with a dazed look in his eyes, Florin smiled and said,

"You seem to really like it."

"Ah, yes, a little..."

"It's beautiful, isn't it? I can confidently say there is no scenery like this anywhere else."

I Became a Flashing Genius at the Magic Academy [158-362][English Translation]Where stories live. Discover now