Episode 284 Chapter 53: Shadow Cast By The Wind (6)

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Shadow Cast By The Wind (6)

Every palace in the Feng Empire is named after legendary or mythical animals and great historical figures.

For example, the Cheolhu Palace symbolizes the wife of the Iron General 'Cheolya-ta,' who became a real person after she sincerely took care of an immovable iron statue, which everyone had mocked her for taking as her husband. It is known as the palace where queens or princesses usually reside.

Of course, Jelliel is completely unaware of such things. She simply thinks this is a very luxurious palace meant for entertaining guests.

"I am Pung Harang, the youngest son of the Pung family."

When I first saw the boy who looked like a radish cube, he struck me as extremely stiff. His expression was stiff, and his muscles were stiff.

"Um! I am......!"

"Shh. Senior. Introductions later."

Then, when I saw the boy named Dok cheol-gwang behind him, snorting heavily, I slightly revised my impression.

'Those muscles look even harder.'

For Jelliel, who manages her physical strength just enough to avoid collapsing while sitting and working, those who train their muscles to such an extent seem foolish.

"Nice to meet you. I am Jelliel from Star Cloud Trading Company. It's such an honor to be treated so generously despite being someone of no significance."

Unlike her usual self, when meeting someone of higher status, Jelliel puts on a fake smile and loads her voice with softness.

Pretending to be kind? Acting polite?

She's practised it so much that she's sick of it.

"We do not treat insignificant people generously. Miss, please have a seat over here."

Following Pung Harang's guidance, she slowly walked to the head seat of a large conference hall presumed to be used by adults, glancing at the Stella students who came with him.

'Mayuseong, HaeWonryang...... Flame.'

The boy named Dok cheol-gwang or whatever is excluded because he doesn't appear in the data at all.

The remaining three were people she had some information about in her head.

Mayuseong. He entered Stella as the top student, and at a glance, he exudes a noble air, clearly indicating he comes from a well-educated family, but it's unclear which family. There are rumors he received a special exception from Stella.

Hae Won-ryang. He entered as the second ranked student and is the heir to the Full Moon Tower. He has recently been catching up with Mayuseong's incredible talent and is versatile in handling multiple attributes.

Flame. Although an orphan, she freely manipulates special attributes that other races can handle, such as light and plants, and her innate magical abilities are also outstanding.


There is a record that she was once in a romantic relationship with Baek Yu Seol.

(TL: jelly Jelliel)

'To think I would meet her here.'

Even if she tries to look elsewhere, she cannot help but keep her gaze returning to Flame.

The same was true for Flame.

'Is that crazy woman Jelliel?'

It's her first time seeing her in person.

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