Episode 278 Chapter 52: Practical Training (8)

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Practical Training (8)

The walls surrounding the Wind Empire are triple-layered. 

Two of these layers are magically protected, making it nearly impossible for foreign forces, beasts, or monsters to infiltrate. However, the oldest layer, built a long time ago, has lost its magical properties and now serves as a tourist attraction. It's so crowded that if you get separated from your group, it would be difficult to find them again.

"...You expect me to find a shaman in a place like this?"

Annella sighed deeply.

The scenery was beautiful, but the sheer number of people was overwhelming. As a dark mage, she preferred to stay away from crowded places. She wondered if wandering around a tourist spot was really the right thing to do.

'She'll turn up eventually...'

According to the talisman seller, the young shaman didn't appear every day but showed up like she was taking a walk whenever she felt like it. Among the many tourists, there were people who roamed daily in hopes of meeting her, but most failed.

Annella didn't have high hopes either. Many had searched for days and never met her. The chance of bumping into the young shaman by pure luck seemed slim.


As she walked absentmindedly along the castle road, someone bumped into her.

The impact was strong enough to push Annella back slightly... which was odd.

If their shoulders collided, it meant the other person was as small as Annella. However, being a physically strong dark mage, she possessed superhuman strength even without tapping into her dark magic.

Something was off.

Instead of feeling upset, Annella felt a chill run down her spine. She was about to step back when the person, whose face was covered by a straw hat, slowly lifted their head.

As the hat was lifted, it revealed a mask that covered the eyes.

A pure white cat mask.

She hadn't heard the detailed description, but her intuition told her it was the mask the talisman seller had mentioned.

'The shaman girl.'

But why did she feel more fear than joy?

"Oh my!"

A smile formed on the exposed girl's lips. She approached Annella slowly, gracefully like a cat. She then lifted Annella's chin and brought her face close.

Annella's gaze was locked onto the girl's lips.

Blood-red lips.

"Adorable little dark mage. What brings you here? Did you come to see me?"

What should she say?

Annella shook her head forcefully, but the girl's smile only deepened.

"Lies don't suit you~ I can see it all over your face that you wanted to see me."

"Why... why..."

"Why am I here, you mean?"

Annella nodded with difficulty.

The Queen of Witches.

A 9th-class mage who could manipulate even the master of the Green Tower, known to be the nemesis of all mages, why was such a great being playing the role of a mere shaman in the Wind Empire?

"Why? Because it's fun?"


According to Annella, the Queen of Witches had been sealed a long time ago and could not move her true body.

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