Episode 285 Chapter 53: Shadow Cast By The Wind (7)

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Shadow Cast By The Wind (7)

The Capital of the Feng Empire, Taeyusan.

In a secluded alleyway where people rarely tread, a sphere of light shimmered and spat out over ten boys and girls.

These were the first-year students of Stella Academy, who had just returned from the Persona Gate.

"Phew, this practice session was really exhausting..."

Bandi yeon, having released all the tension as soon as she exited the gate, shook her hair loose and fanned herself with her hand. The sweat trickling down her neck showed how tense she had been.

She then turned to check if all the first-year students had safely exited.

Total number: 12, all present.

'I thought something would definitely go wrong...'

The mission itself was an extremely ordinary 3-risk level Persona Gate.

There were no unexpected events, and it was actually on the easier side for a 3-risk level.

But the final outcome was the problem.

'A human...?'

A girl, who appeared to be in middle school, was found asleep on Baek Yu Seol's back. This cute child was a real person discovered inside the Persona Gate and, surprisingly, she was acquainted with Baek Yu Seol.

The fact that an outsider was suddenly found as the boss monster inside the Persona Gate was shocking, and to think they actually knew each other was even more surprising.

"Uh, um... senior."

"Yes? What is it?"

"We... we almost killed a real person, didn't we...?"

A first-year student approached Bandi yeon with a trembling voice, on the verge of tears.

It was only then that she relaxed her expression and approached him, speaking gently.

"It's okay, calm down and listen."


"It's not your fault. And I'm not just saying this to comfort you."


"Honestly, I was a bit surprised too, but this isn't something that has never happened before."


Although it's not included in textbooks, such cases have occurred before.

While she had never heard of someone like Anella being found without having entered, there were stories of comrades becoming completely assimilated by a Persona and emerging as boss monsters.

In those cases, wizards had to kill their comrades with their own hands, which left deep emotional scars.

"Persona Gates are very difficult to clear, but they are known for their great rewards. And the Magic Association values the most achievements from them. Do you know why?"

"I... don't really know."

"It's because of the mental stress. Even though monster hunting and dark magician hunting are not easier than Persona Gates, why does the Association acknowledge them so much? Have you ever thought about why senior wizards are reluctant to tackle them despite the high rewards?"

As the junior shook his head, Bandi yeon patted his shoulder.

"This is why. It's not because it's physically hard, but because it's mentally exhausting."

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