Episode 282 Chapter 53: Shadow Cast By The Wind (4)

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Shadow Cast By The Wind (4)

The inside of the gate set in the Wind Empire looked like a desolate city where all the people had vanished, leaving nothing behind. However, this didn't mean that there were no people in any place.

There was certainly life within the Persona Gate, though it was limited to NPCs who moved according to their predetermined stories and fates.

At the sound of the boisterous chatter, Hong Bi Yeon scrunched up her face in irritation. It was an expression that only appeared when she was really in a foul mood. Normally, Baek Yu Seol would have acted cautiously, but now he didn't.

"Oh... This looks like it's set about 150 years ago."

"...How do you know that?"

As Baek Yu Seol mixed into the market crowd, observing his surroundings with interest, Hong Bi Yeon also glanced around.

Although she hadn't visited the Wind Empire often, the style of the clothes and buildings certainly seemed old-fashioned, not modern.

"Do you see that mask with nine wheels? It was used by a famous assassin two centuries ago. He was known for killing evil rich people and stealing their money to give to the poor. He was considered a hero by the people of his time."

Strange masks with nine wheels drawn on them were scattered everywhere, and some people were even wearing them. Hong Bi Yeon couldn't understand what was so cool about them, but she soon realized that trying to understand the culture of a foreign land from 150 years ago was a futile effort.

"So, do they call this the Legend of the Nine Wheels Mask?"

"Not exactly. It's just a story. Like Hong Gil Dong or Sherlock Holmes..."


"No, never mind that. Anyway, we don't need to stay here long, so let's go."

Baek Yu Seol once again took Hong Bi Yeon's hand and led her. The market was so crowded that they could easily get separated. While he could use his glasses to find her if that happened, he decided it wasn't worth wasting more time.

The fake crowd and fake noise no longer reached Hong Bi Yeon's ears. She didn't want to be disturbed by fakes.

(TL: she truly enjoying the date....hmm hmmmm....  waiting for the moment anella shows up... all beaten up in front of them... the moment she lay her eyes on yu seul, run towards him and starts crying in his chest. we will get to witness peak jelly bi yeon... might as well burn the whole damm persona gate...) 

According to some magicians, the NPCs within the Persona Gate might actually be real beings living in another world... but that was just a theory. She didn't want to waste time and energy on beings whose existence was uncertain.

After leaving the market, it quickly became night, and a bright half-moon rose in the sky. The time and place shifted with each story transition.

For instance, when entering the legend of the werewolf that transforms under the full moon, the setting would be a night with a full moon. Conversely, a story about the nine-wheeled mask thief might be set in a bustling daytime market.

"Be careful during the night tales. Don't mess around."

Even though Baek Yu Seol was using bulbul glasses that guided him better than any 'Guideline Messis,' he still reminded Hong Bi Yeon to be cautious.

In the original game, she was always the first to trigger the death flag. Usually, when Baek Yu Seol teased her like this, Hong Bi Yeon would get very angry, but this time she just grumbled quietly, which was quite surprising.

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