North Stars

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[A/N: There's a change in the drivers. Instead of Estelle, it's Dick.]

[Sorry for the typo mistake.]

[Please pick your drink before you proceed.]

The limousines were cruising down the highway with Bruce sitting with Selina in the second one with Alfred as the driver followed by the first one had Dick as the driver with Tim, Jason, Cass, Steph, Barbara, Duke and Damian.

Damian decided to pick Y/n first.

And off they were, cruising down the highway to her place.

"I do wonder though." Dick started as he drove. "Who exactly are your friends?"

"Yeah," Tim nodded. "Honestly, Damian making, not one, but 4 friends is... something." 

"Making a normal friend alone would be an achievement." Jason added which earned him a punch from Damian. "Now here you are, picking four of 'em up to a trip to the beach."

"I want to know." Tim nodded. "What they're like...."

"How did they manage to get the general Damian Wayne to go on a trip with them?" Steph scoffed. "He can barely tolerate anyone."

"I'm excited to meet them." Cass said.

At some point they started bickering on whether pineapple was good on pizza or not and the majority agreed on the latter.

Then somehow it reached on to the point whether hotdogs were sandwiches and the stupidest argument of them all was 'is water wet?'. 

[A/N: They still don't have the answer to that yet.]

After some time, they'd finally reached the front of her place.

"Looks rich." Steph said. 

"Funny coming from you." Cass retorted.

Damian then whipped out his phone and gave a call.

Ring... Ring... Ring... 

"Heyyyyy" Y/n's voice could be heard. 

Damian's bitter mood has vanished. 

"You guys here yet?"

"We're in front of your place." Damian spoke, enjoying every word coming out of the phone.

"Great! I'm all ready and so is Eve! We'll be here with the baggage. See you!"

The call ended and Damian was excited.

Despite having a stoic expression, he was genuinely excited for this.

Coming from the distance were 2 wheely cases being hauled by Estelle following behind Y/n who sipped on her drink. 

Seeing Damian, Jason, and Tim, get out of the car, Y/n stopped drinking from the straw, making a pop sound.

Waving with a brilliant, bright smile, Y/n sped up her pace.

Under the light of the sun, both of their outfits were glowing splendidly.

Estelle wore a black-sleeved crop top with a purple crescent on it along with a black leather jacket hanging around her waist paired with a choker and short black jeans.

She also wore a pair of shades which made her amethyst eyes shine brighter than ever.

[A/N: Please pretend the shades are there.]

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