Mini-Stage 8

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The Emperor's voice echoed through the vast chamber. A hush fell over the room as the nobility rose in unison, their vibrant attire swaying with the movement.

Emperor Regulus Noah Agnes, in crimson robes embroidered with gold, exuded power, his dark hair and deep blue eyes commanding attention. Beside him, Empress Valentina, a vision of elegance in a twilight-hued gown adorned with glittering diamonds, sat with her pink eyes sparkling like rubies. They took their places on the platinum thrones, their presence a symbol of authority.

Following them, the ten Concubines entered, draped in shimmering silks, bowing gracefully before the Emperor and Empress before taking their seats. The royal children stood with poised pride, aware of the weight of their lineage.

The atmosphere was tense, every move and word heavy with political significance. Failure in this environment meant swift and merciless downfall.

The moment of truth arrived as the fourteen Princes and Princesses presented their tributes. Each offering was a testament to their lineage, but the Emperor's curt nods offered little recognition.

Finally, Y/n stepped forward, her (h/c) hair adorned with simple yet beautiful pins. The nobles watched with disdain, their whispers filling the ballroom with insult.

"Greetings, Imperial Father and Mother," Y/n began, her voice steady. "Today marks the anniversary of your union. May your reign continue in wisdom and prosperity."

She announced her gift: "The Dance of Kavira," a legendary and nearly forgotten performance from the Emperor's late mother's lineage. The room buzzed with confusion, but the Emperor's unreadable gaze and the Empress's intrigued expression allowed her to proceed.

Y/n moved to the center of the room, humming a haunting melody. As the musicians followed her lead, she began the dance—a graceful, ethereal performance that captivated the audience. Her gown seemed to swirl around her, embodying the dance's melancholic yet hopeful spirit.

The skeptical nobles fell silent, mesmerized by Y/n's performance. She had captured the attention of everyone in the room, leaving them in awe of her grace and the powerful legacy she evoked. Whether she achieved her ultimate goal remained to be seen, but in that moment, she had won the hearts and minds of the ball.

End of Mini-Stage 8
355 Words.

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