The good, the bad, and the ugly

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Mia walked through the front door after dropping Carly off. She felt a sense of accomplishment thinking about her growth, as just a few months ago she would've rolled her eyes at the situation and fled, leaving Charlotte to deal with it alone. She knew she couldn't run forever, and as she began to fall deeper in love with her sweetheart, she knew it was time to start putting down some roots. She had made an excellent start with Carly tonight.

Mia thought back to her flight home earlier that day, where she was getting all giddy imagining the look on Char's face as she would arrive home from work to find her mean redhead. It didn't once occur to her that the night would end up with her buying a pregnancy test, divulging her troubled past to Carly and, listening to the Barbie soundtrack. Mia cursed under breath as she noticed herself quietly singing, "Can you feel the Kenergy?" as she headed upstairs. Carly would be in hysterics if she caught that and Mia would never hear the end of it.

Mia walked into the bedroom to find Charlotte sat up reading in bed. She knew Char would be waiting up for her so that they could decompress together. As long as Mia was home, Charlotte needed cuddles from her girlfriend. Mia stripped down and slipped into one of Char's short, silk nightgowns before throwing herself down on the bed next to her and letting out a loud sigh of relief. Not even bothering to shower or brush her teeth as she felt her eyes fluttering already. She had forgotten how tired she was in the midst of Carly's crisis. Char leaned over Mia and gave her a tender kiss on her lips, which Mia returned happily. "I know this isn't how you expected tonight to play out." No, it certainly wasn't. "But I'm so glad you were here." Charlotte expressed her gratitude to Mia as she pulled the covers over her, giving her one last goodnight kiss.
She snuggled up into Mia's arm, head resting on her chest and it wasn't long before the two of them drifted off into a deep sleep. They both needed it.

Charlotte had wanted to talk to Mia about the conversation she'd had with Carly earlier that night at the dining table. She didn't want to pry, but she knew that Mia was aware of her listening ears only a few meters away. Tonight wasn't the night. Mia had put herself through enough already revisiting that painful memory from her past, and Charlotte knew her love's limits better than her own.

In the time they'd been together, a lot had unravelled about Mia's past because they'd had many deep and thorough conversations, making the effort to get to know and understand one another. But there were several things Char had picked up on from Mia and Carly's conversation that she was hearing for the first time, indicating that she had only really scratched the surface on Mia's past. Charlotte wasn't panicking or feeling insecure about how little Mia had shared with her, but she did feel concerned about how much weight her love was carrying around on her back. She trusted her with her heart, and she wanted to know every little bit of Mia, the good, the bad, and the ugly. However, Charlotte was prepared to wait a lifetime to untangle the complex knots of Mia's story, she was sure that's how much time they would have together.

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now