Forever family

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"Amelia Elizabeth Roberts!"

Uh oh. "Violet, Lily, mum's home" Mia said sarcastically, stating the obvious after the three of them clearly heard the burst of outrage that just walked through the door.
"I just received a rather unpleasant voicemail from Mrs Cobb, not about my daughters, but about my girlfriend's bad attitude. Care to explain?" Charlotte blurted out, vexed.
"Girls, why don't you go upstairs for half an hour while me and mum talk this out" Mia encouraged the two little ones, who had paused their game in anticipation.
Charlotte turned to the girls giving them both a hug, not wanting them to feel ignored, as they ran upstairs.
"Sorry babies, mummy just needs to talk to Mia for a minute, okay? But there's nothing to worry about, I promise" Charlotte established calmly.

"Char, I'm sorry for lashing out, okay? But I will not apologise for sticking up for that little girl. You should've seen her sat there, she looked distraught! And regardless of who started the fight, the school did nothing to help her!" Mia explained, starting to raise her voice slightly out of frustration.

She needed Charlotte to understand that her heart was in the right place, despite the way she went about it. The redhead knew it was too soon to say it out loud, and didn't want to impose, but she had considered Violet and Lily as daughters of her own since the first moment she met them. Mia fell in love, and wanted nothing more than to keep the little angels safe. Charlotte secretly knew this too. The way her girlfriend bonded with them instantly and nurtured them like she'd always known them, gave it away. There was an unspoken understanding between the two lovers.

Charlotte looked at Mia with sorrow filled eyes, as she listened to her girlfriend express concern for Violet. Char couldn't stay mad at after feeling the warmth and sincerity radiating from her lover, and just as she was about to respond, in walked Violet.

"Mum, don't be mad at Mia. She was just looking out for me, and..." Violet hesitated, looking down at her feet. "I'm the one who started the fight" she admitted quietly, racked with guilt. Charlotte and Mia looked at each other with troubled expressions, before looking back to Violet. Charlotte patted the spot on the sofa next to her as Mia shuffled over to make space for the girl to sit in between them.

"This isn't like you, Vi, why don't you tell us what happened, hm?" Charlotte said, stroking her daughter's hair as Mia put a hand on Violet's thigh. The young girl felt lucky to have them both hear her out, without jumping to any conclusions or raising their voices.
"Well, Missy kinda stopped being my friend months ago because she started making nasty comments about my mum having a girlfriend" Mia furrowed her brows at Char. She never thought she'd have to worry about the kids receiving backlash for their relationship, and it broke her heart to hear.
"What kind of comments, sweetheart?" Char asked, cautiously.
"Just things like I'll probably turn out to be gay like my mum, that it's not right for two women to be together, and that my dad won't want to see me anymore because my mum left him for a woman" Violet muttered, feeling almost ashamed of the words that just came out of her mouth. She knew they weren't her words, but they were still hurtful and it made her uncomfortable to repeat them.

"Vi, you know better than to listen to that crap, right?" Mia spat out, taking Violet's hand in her own as the little one nodded in response.
"Yes, and darling, you know that no matter who you choose to love when you're older that both me and your dad will still love you all the same" Charlotte interjected. Mia didn't feel like now was the right time to include herself in Charlotte's hypothesis, even though she was certain that she'd still be around to care for the little one in the future.
"What did Missy say to you today to make you start a fight, hm?" The redhead asked out of curiosity.

Violet hesitated slightly before answering Mia's question. She felt a little embarrassed for what she was about to admit, so she took a deep breath. "She said that my mum's girlfriend is a home-wrecker and that she'd never love I told her that she was just jealous because she only had two parents and me and my sister have three."

Charlotte and Mia glanced over at each other, both of them with tears welling in their eyes as they felt proud of the young girl. Not only had she just called Mia a parent, but she had stuck up for herself and for her family. Charlotte couldn't help but think how her daughter's courage resembled Mia's, and that was not a bad quality to share with the redhead at all.

"Oh sweet girl" Mia said kissing Violet's temple. "I hope you know that I love you and your sister just as much as mum and dad do, okay? I'm not going anywhere, and I will always look after my babies." Violet leaned into Mia giving her a hug, feeling a sense of comfort and relief as the redhead reassured her statement. In the short time that she'd known Mia, she considered her a parent because of her display of unconditional love and support, never wavering.

Mia and Charlotte put the girls to bed that night, working in a synchronous harmony. Mia had really taken to the family life, although it meant sharing her sweetheart's attention, but she didn't mind. Mia and Charlotte were approaching their one year anniversary and as they settled into each other's embrace on the sofa to unwind, Charlotte gathered herself to ask Mia a question. She had been ready to ask for a while and had planned to wait until the night of their anniversary, but after today's display of devotion, Char couldn't imagine a more appropriate time.

"Mia, I've been thinking" Charlotte started confidently, having no doubts about what she was about to ask. 
"What's up, baby?" Mia questioned as she played with Char's hair.
"What if you were here all the time?"
Mia giggled slightly as she replied, "Char, I am here all the time." The redhead could see where her sweetheart was going with her line of questioning, but she couldn't resist drawing it out and teasing. Mia always found it so sweet when Charlotte's nerves got the better of her, her rosy cheeks on show as she grew shy.
"Amelia, I'm trying to ask if you'll move in with me, you couldn't hold back on the sarcasm, just this once?" Charlotte said playfully defeated, as she rolled her eyes knowing that her girlfriend had her sussed. Mia put her hands on Charlotte's face and pulled her into a searing kiss as an apology for ruining her heartfelt moment.
"Sweetheart, I would love to move in with you. You're sure the girls won't mind?"
"Mia, you heard Violet earlier, she already sees you as a parent. And truthfully, I think they both get a little disappointed when they come home to find you're not here...on the rare occasion you're not, that is" Charlotte admitted with a smirk.

She knew the girls were just upstairs, but Mia simply couldn't help herself. Her sweetheart's grand gesture had her craving intimacy. She pushed Charlotte down on the sofa lying on top of her, engulfing Char in hot and passionate kisses as she hungrily ran her hands along her curves, occasionally digging her nails in to enhance the pleasure. The tension between them palpable as the heat grew, their breaths increasing in volume and getting more and more rugged. Mia slid her hands up Charlotte's dress and let them linger on her hips as she slowly started moving kisses from her lips, down her neck and collarbones.

Then suddenly, they found themselves interrupted as Violet appeared at the living room door. Mia and Charlotte froze in their positions, looking up at the girl with wide eyes like a pair of guilty teenagers. Violet, humiliated at what she had just walked in on, fumbled to get her words out. "I just came down to get a glass of water, and wanted to say goodnight on my way up, so... guess I'll just go back to bed now" she said awkwardly, slowly backing out the door.

"Night, sweetheart!" Charlotte called out to her daughter, feeling mortified and hiding her face behind her hands.
"Yeah, we love you!" Mia followed up, looking at Charlotte as the pair broke out in laughter.
"Welcome to parenthood, where privacy is non-existent and the window for sex is limited" Charlotte joked as she smiled into a soft kiss with her love.
"Oh sweetheart, I'm not giving this up for anything." A devilish grin graced Mia's face as she immediately resumed her earlier antics, knowing that Violet wouldn't dare come back downstairs after what she just witnessed.

Charlotte and Mia shared an intimate hour on the sofa full of passion and desire, as their bodies intertwined. As they both came down from their highs, not breaking contact, the two revelled in their excitement for what's to come. They were both looking forward to going on this new journey together and were ready to fully embrace family life. Mia still didn't feel worthy of all the love she received from Charlotte and the girls despite the constant reassurance, but she would never stop fighting to earn it. After many years of battling with herself, and being in a loveless relationship, Mia had found her forever family.

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now