Please stop apologising

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TW: Panic Attacks, SA

Winter rushed over to the baby room, as fast as his feet could carry him. He didn't like leaving Carly alone, but he couldn't risk Charlotte not answering the phone. "Charlotte! Charlotte!" he yelled, as he swung the door open with urgency.
"Winter? What's going on?"
"It's Carly, she's having a panic attack, you'd better come quick."
Charlotte's face dropped. She didn't even think twice as she followed Winter through the corridor at a lightening speed. Charlotte's eyes filled with sorrow and her heart felt heavy at the sight of her friend stood in a trance of panic and distress.

Carly tried her best to force out words as Char approached her, but no such luck. The hyperventilation seized her body. Charlotte stood by Carly's side with one hand cradling her back, and the other guiding her friend's hand up to her own chest. "Carly, focus on my breathing, okay? I'm here." Charlotte encouraged Carly to take some deep breaths. It took a few minutes, but with Char's support, Carly began to inhale and exhale at a more steady pace. "Okay good, now start naming all the blue objects you can see around the room." Carly's body was still tense and she was confused by Char's suggestion, but she trusted her. "The carpet, the chairs, the messy table..." Carly continued with her list as Charlotte stroked her back. She slowly noticed her posture relaxing, her breaths stabilising and her thoughts collecting. Carly focused on Charlotte's soothing touch and she took one final deep breath.

"You did great, Carly. Come here" Char praised Carly in a comforting tone, as she pulled her into a hug.
"I'm so sorry, Char, I thought I was fine and then all of a sudden...I wasn't" Carly blurted out with her head buried in Charlotte's shoulder. She felt like an inconvenience, but she knew Charlotte would've been the only one to understand.
"Carly, please stop apologising okay? I'm here now. Look, why don't you come home with me, and we can talk about it?"

Charlotte arrived home with Carly following a painfully silent commute. Each one of them was stuck for words and neither felt ready to address the recent incident. To their advantage, it wasn't Charlotte's night with the kids, so they had the house to themselves all evening. Meaning that Carly had the space to open up if she wanted to, no matter how long it took. Carly made herself comfortable on the sofa and Charlotte detoured through the kitchen to get Carly a drink. As Charlotte pulled out a Diet Coke from the fridge, her phone rang.

"Hey Sweetheart." Charlotte's favourite words to hear, and they couldn't have come at a better time. "How's your day been, I miss you" Mia continued harmlessly.
"I miss you too, baby. I'm glad you called actually" Char replied, her mood shifting.
"What's wrong, Char?"
"Carly had a panic attack at work today."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Is she okay? What happened?" Mia was flapping and her questions were laced with concern.
"Mia, slow down! It's not long happened, okay? And I was going to tell you as soon as I'd had a chance to sit down and talk with her. She's sat in the living room waiting for me, so I'd best go, okay?"
"Okay, Sweetheart, but please, call me back when you can? I'm worried!"
"I know you are, baby. We'll talk soon, okay? I love you."
"Love you too" Mia professed, hanging up the phone.

Now all Mia could think about was Carly. The old her would've laughed in her face if she could see how concerned she was for the young girl. She debated booking a flight home, despite still having some business to attend to abroad, but she paused. She knew her sweetheart could handle this, and that Carly would confide in Char. Mia was just getting into bed as she rang Char, after a long day consisting of sea, sun and cocktails. Now instead, she found herself pacing around her hotel room with her phone glued to her hand, waiting to hear back about Carly.

Charlotte joined Carly on the sofa, in the living room where she found her sat staring blankly at the floor. She didn't even register Char sitting down right beside her. "Carly?" Charlotte questioned, snapping Carly out of her haze. She continued with care, "Did you want to tell me about what happened earlier?"

Carly let out a sigh as she began to tell Char about her interaction with Tilly's dad, she could see the disgust building on Char's face. Charlotte knew all too well about being made to feel uncomfortable by a flirty dad at work and, she was furious at the idea of Graham harassing the 17 year old girl. She listened patiently with her fists clenched as Carly told her the whole story. "HE DID WHAT?" Charlotte practically roared at the mention of Graham touching Carly's behind.

"Char, I think the reason I started panicking was because..." Carly stopped mid sentence, trying to build up the courage for what she was about to admit.
"Because?" Charlotte gently encouraged her.
"Because, it reminded me of that night." Carly didn't need to elaborate any further, Charlotte knew exactly which night she was referring to. She had already anticipated this, but she couldn't force Carly into processing it before she was ready. Charlotte took a deep breath closing her eyes briefly, then reached over to her friend, taking her hand.
"I know. I'm so sorry, Carly. Look, you don't have to divulge anything that makes you feel uncomfortable! But, I do think that acknowledging that night, is a great start to overcoming it."

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now