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TW: Miscarriage, Abortion

Mia decided to give Charlotte and Carly some time to catch up, so she moseyed on over to the kitchen to grab some essentials for when the pizza arrived. She moved at a glacial pace as she gathered drinks, plates and a few other bits, wanting to give the other two privacy. Mia recalled Carly mentioning that she wouldn't be in the same room as Char today, and had a feeling she didn't feel comfortable bringing the situation up at work regardless.

"How are you feeling?" Charlotte asked Carly as she moved closer to her on the sofa, putting her hand on Carly's knee. "I dunno, It's a lot. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all I guess." Carly knew she was making the right choice for her, but still couldn't help feeling a touch of guilt, thinking about how many individuals longed to be parents and had difficulty conceiving. She briefly thought about Autumn and Winter. The couple were overjoyed at the discovery of Autumn being pregnant, sadly, it wasn't in God's plan for them at this time. Carly's heart ached for them, and wondered if her decision was selfish.

After voicing her thoughts and concerns, Char wrapped her arm around Carly and reassured her. "Carly, every woman has the right to make that choice, it doesn't make you selfish. You're doing what's best for you, okay? Please don't give yourself a hard time for it. You're incredibly brave for making that decision, I know it wasn't easy. I'm so proud of you." Carly had tears pooling in her eyes, as the words sank in. Hearing the word "proud" from both Mia and Charlotte that day gave her a sense of comfort, knowing that she made the right choice trusting the pair.

There was a knock on the door and Mia called out, "I've got it." Not at any point, did Mia and Char get changed during the evening, and Mia found herself answering the door to the delivery driver still sporting Char's teeny, tight-fitted, silk nightgown. Oops. She didn't really care because she took pride in her appearance, hitting the hotel gyms when she was away. Mia was in good shape and content, she never felt a reason to shy away from flaunting her body.

"Wow." Was the first thing to escape the young boy's mouth when Mia opened the door. He couldn't have been older than 20, Mia would've guessed around Carly's age. He stood still with the pizza in hand looking her up and down, mouth almost agape. "Take a picture, it lasts longer" Mia mocked the young boy, peaking Charlotte's interest from the other room. "Ermm, that's £23.50 please" the delivery driver managed to force out. As Mia grabbed the money set on the side, Charlotte creeped up behind her placing her hands on her girlfriend's hips. The poor, young lad was now stood in the doorway, watching with his eyes wide open. Charlotte noticed this, and her jealousy kicked in. She connected her lips to Mia's from behind giving the delivery driver a show, there was no resistance. As they both turned back to face him, grinning, Mia handed him some cash in exchange for the pizza and in her sultry voice uttered, "Keep the change." This was followed by a wink as she threw the front door shut.

Charlotte and Mia were quite pleased with themselves for tormenting the young boy, but they enjoyed it far too much. They stood in the hallway giggling to each other as they stumbled into a series of open mouth kisses. "Get a room, you two!" Carly yelled from the living room, wishing she hadn't heard the sloppy sounds echoing through the house.

The trio sat on the sofa, watching Friends and polished off every last slice of pizza. They enjoyed their evening filled with laughter and small talk. Carly and Charlotte offloaded to Mia about all the inconsiderate parents they'd had to endure over the past week, and Mia enlightened them of her travels. Earning a couple of cushions being playfully thrown at her from both Carly and Char out of envy.

After Mia cleared away the dishes and pizza box, she returned back to the sofa to sit next to her sweetheart. "Carly, now that you've eaten something, do you feel like you might be ready to take your first tablet now?" Mia proposed. Carly nodded. She was actually relieved that Mia brought it up, because she had been putting it off all evening and knew she didn't want to take it alone. That's the initial reason she found herself on Char's doorstep earlier that evening. "You can stay here tonight if you like? Just in case you experience any side effects. Mia will make up the sofa for you, won't you, baby?" Charlotte shot Mia a doe eyed look as she extended the gesture to Carly, knowing she wouldn't object. Her mean redhead was putty in her hands. "Thanks, guys" Carly graciously accepted, taking her tablet with the two lovers watching over her.

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now