Something kinda Ooooh

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"Morning, my love, how was your weekend?" Marjorie said, greeting Charlotte like she would every Monday morning. Autumn had yet to arrive and it was probably for the best, considering the news Char was about to deliver.
"Morning Marjorie. I had an amazing weekend actually, and...I have some news" Marjorie raised her eyebrows, poised for Charlotte to continue.
"Ooo, go on" the manager prompted, intrigued.
"I asked Mia to marry me. We're engaged!" Charlotte exclaimed excitedly, before bracing herself for whatever reaction that was about to follow. Marjorie's lip began to quiver as she tried to suppress her reaction. She'd slowly learnt that not everyone could cope with her loud and excessive reactions.
"Marjorie, I know you're dying to scream. So come on, let it out" Charlotte encouraged, covering her ears in preparation.

"What the feck was that?" Sorscha exclaimed to herself in bafflement, her head darting down the hall following the sound of the loud screech that just echoed through. The Irish lass made her way into the office to see what the commotion was about. "What's going on, is everything okay?" Sorscha was frantic in her questioning, as Charlotte and Marjorie just stared at her with sheepish smiles. They looked at each other then back at Sorscha, Marjorie barely able to contain her excitement in her clenched state urging Charlotte to confess.
"Mia and I are engaged!"
"Oh my god, Charlie, congratulations!" The Irish woman said throwing her arms around her friend.

"Oh darling, I really am so made up for you both. You know what? We should all go out and celebrate tonight" Marjorie suggested cheerfully, expressing appreciation and support for her long-term colleague and dear friend. Charlotte was quick to giggle in disbelief.
"Marjorie, it's a school night" she pointed out.
"Ah, screw it! Me and Clodagh could use a night out! I'll drop Quinn off with me mam, it'll be grand" Sorscha interjected, feeling a desperate need to let loose since motherhood had left very little space for a social life.

Charlotte eventually agreed as she was happy to spend the evening with her colleagues away from work. After all, what harm could a few drinks do? Charlotte was grateful that they all cared for her so much, putting aside any mixed emotions for her mean redhead to celebrate her happiness. She loved her little work family. Marjorie, being eager to set plans in motion, whipped out her phone to message the work group chat. But Charlotte had politely requested that she wait until her and Mia had a chance to break the news to everyone themselves first, before making any celebratory plans. Carly and Winter were next on her list, but before making a beeline for the staff room to find them, she typed out a message to her love.

"Hey baby, I just broke the news to Marjorie and Sorscha and they insist we all go out tonight to celebrate. How's it going with Autumn and Reece? x"

Meanwhile, Mia had asked Autumn to stop by the sister nursery on her way to work so that she could tell her figurative siblings the exciting news together. "What's this about, Mia?" Autumn asked mundanely as she perched on the edge of Reece's desk, him slouched in his chair none the wiser. Now that the redhead had both Autumn and Reece's attention, she moved to perch on her own desk facing Reece's, keeping her newly decorated ring finger concealed behind her back.

Autumn and Reece stared Mia down, patiently awaiting her to put an end to the silence. The redhead looked down to her feet nervously, struggling to find the words as they caught in her throat. Finally allowing herself to be consumed with excitement and happiness, she smirked to herself and held out her left hand for the siblings to see. Proudly displaying the engagement ring that graced her finger, she announced, "Char and I are engaged!"

"Wow, Mia, congratulations. I'm super happy for you both" Reece expressed affectionately as he stared at the ring with wide eyes.
"Thanks, Reecey." Autumn stayed composed, never one to wail or jump up and down out of enthusiasm. Or at all. She took Mia's hand in her own, inspecting the ring up close and watching how the light reflected off of the unique black diamond.
"It's gorgeous. I'm thrilled for you and Charlotte, Mia" the tall brunette said in her delicate tone. Her eyes meeting the redhead's, as they shared a knowing glance and nod of understanding and appreciation for one another.

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now