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AN: sorry for the long gaps between chapters, I'm finding it hard to write the happy stuff. So I'm trying to plan another dark and twisty storyline but have to get through the normal stuff first 🤣 so this is just another fluffy chapter, but I promise eventually I'll write something exciting!


It was Tuesday morning and Autumn and Winter were the first to arrive at work, being the only ones who could hold their drink. Winter admitted to feeling a little delicate, and Autumn woke up with a sore throat. She must've gone through nearly a whole pack of cigarettes the night before, only handing out a few to the others when the drink got the better of them. After curbing her smoking habit some time ago, she only really bought them knowing that she'd fancy one after her first bottle of wine.

The others staggered in only minutes before the nursery was due to open up. Marjorie sat down at her desk, rubbing her temples and popping a couple of painkillers to try and soothe her headache. "Morning" Sorscha said smugly as she walked into the office with Charlotte, seeing Marjorie in a state. The Irish woman was more tired than anything, after drinking plenty of water when she got home. But she still couldn't suppress the churning sounds her gut was making. "Sorscha, dial back the noise a bit would ya" Marjorie demanded, wincing at the sound of her colleague's voice.

Charlotte was far worse off than the rest of her colleagues. Had she not been out with her colleagues, she would've phoned in sick given her fragile state. The poor girl very rarely had more than one glass of wine at a time, let alone more than a bottle to herself, and she had hoped to jump Mia's bones when they got home from the bar. However, Mia had spent a good few hours holding her sweetheart's hair back over the toilet instead. "I am never drinking again" Charlotte claimed, visibly heaving and having to swallow the bile that arose in her throat as the bitter taste of alcohol still lingered in her mouth.

Autumn sat at her desk and looked up from her computer, taking in the sight of her fragile colleagues. Their faces dewy as the alcohol perspired through their pores, hair slightly unkept and frazzled after rolling out of bed late, posture slouched and hunched over as they could barely hold themselves up. The deputy rolled her eyes at the all around weakness. She had out drank them all last night, yet she still maintained her dignity and grace coming into work this morning.

"Can anyone enlighten me on how on earth I got this massive bruise?" Marjorie asked baffled, throwing her leg onto the desk and lifting her trouser leg to reveal a deep purple bruise the size of her fist on her shin.
"Who knows, Marjorie, you were quite well acquainted with floor last night" Autumn stated smugly. Sorscha was about to open her mouth to make another smug remark when she was stopped in her tracks by Charlotte, who was now being watched by her colleagues as she darted out of the office holding her stomach and covering her mouth.

"Christ almighty, Sorscha keep an eye on her today please. I don't want to have to deal with any angry parents if Char throws up all over a child, okay?" Marjorie requested, slumping back in her chair with a deep sigh.

Over at the sister nursery, Mia pulled up in a taxi almost an hour late. Neither her or Char were in a suitable condition to be driving, and although Charlotte made every effort to wake her up in time, the redhead remained stubborn and groaned in response. Pulling a pillow over her head to shield herself from the blaring morning light. Luckily, Charlotte was able to catch a lift with Sorscha.

"You look like death" Reece commented, feeling a little worse for wear himself. On his desk was a 2 litre bottle of water that he'd already nearly finished. He couldn't stabilise his thirst, and described his mouth as being dry like the dessert.
"Reecey, say one more word and I will rip that pretty little tash off your face" the redhead threatened as she threw herself down on her chair. Her hair tied up in a messy bun after not having time to wash it and her make up barely concealing the dark circles under her eyes.

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now