I'm sorry

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"Miss Hale, Miss Roberts was admitted into our care this evening following a rather serious car accident." Charlotte felt like her heart fell into her stomach. Katrina continued, "Her blood alcohol levels were exceedingly high so we've got her on a drip to bring those down, and the doctor is currently running some tests to check for any signs of internal bleeding and organ failure. She's not conscious yet, but I'm sure she'd benefit from having someone here for when she wakes up."

Charlotte didn't think twice, she didn't care about whatever happened between them right now. She couldn't suppress her feelings for Mia, as much as she tried. Luckily, her mum only lived 10 minutes down the road and had happily agreed to pop over and keep an ear out for the girls. Charlotte thanked her mum, giving her a quick hug as she rushed out the door.

"Excuse me, I'm here about Amelia Roberts, are there any updates? Is she awake yet? How is she?" Charlotte blurted out frantically to the hospital receptionist.
"Are you a family member or partner?"
Charlotte hesitated at the question, she didn't know what she was to Mia anymore. All she knew was that she cared for her deeply and wouldn't want her waking up alone.
"I'm her next of kin" Charlotte answered simply after giving it some thought.
"Okay, take a seat my dear, Doctor Rowlands will be out shortly to update you." The receptionist was kind, she could see the worry on Charlotte's face and the tears pooling in her eyes.

The next 20 minutes were agonisingly painful for Charlotte, as she sat in the waiting room anxiously fidgeting in her seat. She hadn't heard anything regarding Mia's current state, and she couldn't stop herself from conjuring up the worst scenarios in her head. She held on to one critical piece of information, Mia was alive.

"Hi, Miss Hale? I'm Doctor Rowlands."
Charlotte shot up out of her seat and before the doctor could continue, she asked to see her immediately. Doctor Rowlands explained briefly that Mia's still unconscious and they're still awaiting test results, but he agreed. "I have to warn you, Miss Hale, it may be a lot to take in" Doctor Rowlands advised before opening the door to Mia's suite.

The tears in Charlotte's eyes started to flow freely as she saw her baby lying in a hospital bed. Mia's head was bandaged up, her face covered in cuts and bruises. Charlotte struggled to swallow as she began to notice the number of ports and cables she was hooked up to. "Oh Mia" she whispered tearfully as she sat beside her love, carefully taking her hand.

Charlotte sat in silence at Mia's bedside trying to process everything. She was no longer thinking about what Mia did or how she treated her, only that Mia must've been taking it hard too. She considered how lonely Mia must've felt, leading her to drinking this much and putting herself in this dangerous position. Charlotte couldn't help but feel partly responsible.

"Char?" Mia suddenly muttered shakily, as her eyes fluttered open slightly.
"I'm here, Mia" Charlotte said as she stroked Mia's hand gently with her thumb, being careful not to interfere with the cannula. Mia was barely awake, she struggled to open her eyes fully to see her sweetheart and it took all her strength to force out words.
"I'm sorry."
"Sssh, baby, it's not important right now, okay? What is important, is that you make a full recovery."

Mia tried to say more but her body wouldn't let her. She was so glad to see Charlotte sat by her side, although she didn't believe she was deserving of her company. Just then, Mia's eyes started rolling to the back of her head and her body began to strain, the surrounding monitors blaring loudly.

"Mia? Mia?" Charlotte shouted, bursting in to tears.
"Please step out of the way, miss" one of the nurses instructed Char as several of them came running in followed by Doctor Rowlands and some intern doctors. It was all such a blur, they surrounded Mia in a frantic manner, which was the last of what Charlotte saw before she was escorted back to the waiting room.

One of the intern doctors followed Charlotte out to the waiting room to keep her informed, in hopes it would reassure her. He explained that Mia had suffered a subdural heamatoma, (a bleed on the brain) and would have to undergo a craniotomy. Mia needed brain surgery. Likely caused by a combination of the trauma to her head and the thinning of her blood as a result of the alcohol consumption, the intern elaborated.

Charlotte didn't know what to do with herself, she was hysterical. Was this it? Were those the last words she'd get to hear from Mia? "I'm sorry." Would Charlotte ever get to hear her loving voice again?

AN: Y'all I am so so sorry, I seem to have gone full blown Greys Anatomy here 😳 But it keeps the story interesting right?! 😅

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now