Is that something you want?

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AN: Okay so this chapter was longer than I had planned, but once I had the dialogue in my head I had to build around it. A very important moment for our Mialotte, one with lots of emotion and the hard realities and doubts that many couples face. This chapter may be difficult to read for anyone who relates, but I felt it important to depict it realistically. Take care you beauties x

Everything had appeared to be right as rain for our Charlotte and Mia, as two weeks flew by without as much as a peep from Adam. Just a couple of days ago, the police confirmed that Adam was, in fact, released with only a 40 hour community order to fulfil. For a week, Mia was grateful that she was able to keep a close eye on Char, watching for any flinches or fluctuations in her mood as they continued their work together in the office, as per Reece's approval. The redhead never pried unless she saw reason to, wanting to trust that Charlotte was of sound mind as she claimed. And just as Mia had hoped, Char appeared to be thriving in the deputy role, forcing her girlfriend to rescind her concerns as she tackled every day head on.

Mia became even more infatuated with her sweetheart at the sight of her flourishing. Knowing that her girlfriend's mind was most likely elsewhere, only made the outcomes even more impressive. Char never showed any sign of struggle, and not a single drop of doubt lay upon her face at any given time as she completed one task after another to an exceptional standard. Even the parents at the sister nursery had taken a liking to the interim deputy manager, as Char handled each of their complaints with care and compassion, reassuring them time after time and shipping them out of the office with a content smile.

Things began to migrate back to normal. Reece had resumed his role as manager of the sister nursery with Mia by his side, and Charlotte had returned to working in the rooms under Marjorie and Autumn at the other nursery. She couldn't deny the touch of disappoint that lingered after spending a week getting to see how the other half lives. It was nice to not be wiping bums after all, and she certainly didn't miss having toys thrown at her or having her hair pulled. Nevertheless, it wasn't long before Char was reminded of why she loved her job in the first place. That innocent smile filled with sheer joy that she would see as a child ran towards her with open arms at first handover, tugged on her heartstrings every time.

Mia had of course missed getting to spend all day, every day with her girlfriend, but it only made her cherish their evening reunions more. The redhead had expected Char to take a downwards spiral after hearing confirmation of Adam's freedom this week, however she had expressed to Mia that she didn't want to dwell. The police had initially advised Charlotte to block Adam on all social platforms to prevent any further contact and since she had, she suddenly felt at ease and back to her old self.

The two lovers had been relishing in their peaceful and drama free time together, both alone and with the girls. Mia had picked them up from school a couple of times when Charlotte got caught up with a parent at work, and the redhead was beginning to really become accustomed to the family life. If Mia had asked herself a few years ago what the future held, never would she have considered that after years of lies and hurt, that she would've finally found happiness and contentment. Although, she still had questions for Charlotte. They were almost two years into their relationship (that's if you can ignore the few months they spent apart), and the redhead was beginning to wonder what was next.

She had been giving it some thought for some time now, ever since they moved in really. Charlotte and Mia had initially been comfortable taking their relationship as it comes and going with the flow, after both leaving their prior long-term relationship's behind. They had agreed to not put pressure on one another or hold themselves to any expectations as they found their footing as individuals in their late thirties.

However, Mia was very aware of the fact that she was approaching her 40th birthday, and as a child she had envisioned what her life at this point would look like. Married, children of her own, a roof over her head, a well paid job, and a nice car. Granted she had most of that, and she had even embraced Violet and Lily as her own, so it's not as though Mia had been far off her goal. And if in ten years time Mia was in exactly the same position as she is now with Charlotte and her girls, then she would be happy with that. But she still couldn't suppress the desires she had for more.

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now