Hope remained

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Autumn's piercing stare made Carly sing like a canary. She told Autumn all about how Graham had spoken to her the day before, and how he felt the need to take a hand to her behind. Carly left out the panic attack and the rest, not feeling the need to rehash it all again after how much energy it had already consumed.

"Autumn, I didn't even know Mia had come home, and if I knew she was gonna do that to him I'd have stopped her" Carly blurted out, almost in one breath, trying to assure Autumn that she didn't mean to cause any trouble.
Autumn took a deep breath and closed eyes briefly, in attempt to compose herself.
"Well, I'm glad she did"
"Wait, what?" Carly uttered back in confusion.
"She saved me a job. Carly, I would've done the same thing, had I known. And rest-assured, he won't be stepping foot on nursery property again."

Carly gave Autumn an appreciative nod and a smile, knowing that the tall brunette didn't like hugs. Autumn was hurt for Carly and, although she would never admit it, she cared a lot for the young girl. Autumn offered her a lift home, but instead of immediately accepting, Carly mustered up the courage to make a request.

"Actually, would you mind taking me to Char's house?" Carly asked nervously.
"Of course." Autumn didn't even hesitate.
Carly was taken back by Autumn's willingness and now felt like pushing her luck.
"Autumn? Would you mind if we stop at the shop on the way? It's just that I wanna get Char some flowers and chocolate, and mayyybe a bottle of wine for Mia?"
"And how exactly were you planning on buying this wine? You're 17."
Carly raised her brows and shot Autumn a big, hopeful smile, expecting her to take the hint.
Autumn stared at the young girl with narrowed eyes for a second. She knew exactly what Carly was implying with that puppy dog look. She eventually caved and rolled her eyes before responding.
"Fine. But with the state she's in, she's going to want something stronger than wine...trust me."

Autumn knew all too well about how Mia would be feeling and, the injuries she may have sustained. She was never one to shy away from conflict and would always be the one to take the first swing. She loved the feeling of the adrenaline taking over her body and, revelling in the pain of the opponent. It gave her the comfort of feeling in control. What she didn't enjoy, was the guilt and pain that followed as the adrenaline wore off. She assumed that Mia would be giving herself a hard time for what happened with Graham, and was thankful that she had Charlotte to ground her.

Autumn joined Carly back in the car accompanied by the most extravagant looking bouquet of Lily's, a big selection box of luxury chocolates and a bottle of top shelf whiskey.
"Bloody hell, Autumn! I've only got 15 quid!" Carly exclaimed in panic, seeing how over the top she'd gone.
"Don't worry about it. Besides, can't have you embarrassing yourself with underwhelming gifts now, can I?"
"Thank you, Autumn" Carly whispered, in a grateful tone as she looked down at her lap sheepishly.

Carly knocked on Char's door, concealing the bag of gifts behind her, not wanting to spoil the surprise. Autumn waited in her car, pulled up behind Mia's mustang on the street. She wanted to make sure that someone was there to let Carly in. "Carly? Three guesses why you're here" Mia joked, setting an uplifting mood. Carly forced out a giggle, but she couldn't distract herself from Mia's injuries.

Mia moved to the side, gesturing for Carly to come in.
Just as Mia was about to shut the door, she caught a glimpse of Autumn sat in her car. The two made eye contact and exchanged a knowing look. Autumn was appreciative that Mia took it upon herself to protect Carly, and Mia realised that Autumn must've figured everything out by now and, would be sympathising with her. All that, just from one glance. Autumn drove off, a small smile starting to surface. She knew that there was love lost between herself and Mia, but the hope remained.

Charlotte was sprawled out on the sofa with her arm resting across the back, waiting for Mia to return to her embrace. Carly walked in, closely followed by Mia. "Hey Carly! What are you doing here?" Charlotte queried in surprise. Mia walked around Carly in a rush to resume her position, cuddling into Char's chest. She didn't mind being comfortable in front of the teen any more, they were friends now.

Carly took a perch on the other end of the sofa and sheepishly handed Char the extravagant bouquet of Lily's and the large box of chocolates. "For you" she said. "Carly, you didn't have to do this" she professed, as she took in the scent of the flowers. "They're beautiful" she continued, her eyes now appearing glossy.
"Well, I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you being there for me these last few weeks."

Carly then reached into the bag and pulled out the bottle of top shelf whiskey and handed it to Mia as she said, "Autumn thought you might need it."
"Autumn was right! Thank you, Carly." Mia paid close attention to the quality of the gestures that the young girl had gifted, knowing that they must've been expensive. "Autumn" she thought to herself with a smirk, realising that Autumn had let Carly take credit.
"No, thank you! Mia, what you did for me? I'll never forget that. I'm just sorry that your face is so messed up!"

The two giggled at Carly's last remark and Charlotte watched the interaction in admiration. Her heart swelled, realising that her mean redhead had formed a bond with the young girl that would sustain with or without her.

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now