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AN: first fanfic so please bare with me, but this idea was so clear in my head that I had to write it. I know the story, I just have to perfect the writing. I've started off with some Mialotte fluff but just a pre warning, it's going to get darker. Let me know your thoughts ☺️

It was a midweek evening. Charlotte had just arrived home from work and to her delight, Mia surprised her with a visit home after being away for a couple of weeks. After their last interaction where they confessed their love to each other, Charlotte had given Mia a key to her house so she could make herself at home whenever Charlotte had work. Mia strategically parked her car on the street a few doors down rather than in the drive. It would've ruined the surprise for Charlotte if she spotted the almost brand new, black Mustang with red leather interior. And of course with Mia being as meticulous as she is, she had subtly asked her sweetheart a few days prior when she was next having the girls so she could time her visit home just right and ensure they had time to themselves.

Charlotte was mentally drained from work after the most baffling conversations with parents, she didn't imagine that she would have to justify the number of nappy changes a baby needs in a day or explain why a parent needed to provide a refill of their Bepanthen. All she could think about was getting home to unwind with a glass of wine and a FaceTime to her mean redhead.

As Charlotte's car pulled into the drive, Mia swiftly grabbed the bouquet of black roses that she picked up for her beloved girlfriend, adjusted her hair after her long journey home, and then waited behind the front door. Charlotte unlocked the front door and the second she looked up, her face beamed as she was welcomed with a familiar greeting.

"Hi sweetheart." Mia said with a loving smile and roses in hand, practically giddy with herself for pulling off that surprise. She'd been anxious all week, trying not to blurt out it to Char when they spoke. Whilst she loved that they were now speaking daily about anything and everything, it was getting harder and harder to maintain the element of surprise.

The two lovers stood there in the hallway wrapped in a warm embrace for a god few minutes, treasuring their reunion. As they released, Mia handed Char the roses and Charlotte went all timid as she felt overwhelmed by her girlfriend's generosity. She was still getting used to all the little ways Mia expressed her love, she'd forgotten what it was like to be someone's priority.

"You must be exhausted from all that travelling." Charlotte said sheepishly, feeling somewhat guilty that Mia was probably burnt out from travelling back so often. After all, Mia really had no reason to stick around and had every right to want to disappear, but then there was Charlotte.

"Char, I would spend all my time travelling to the four corners of the world if it meant coming home to you." Mia responded, pressing a gentle kiss to her sweetheart's forehead.

Charlotte and Mia cuddled up on the sofa as they caught each other up on the events of their day. Mia told Char about how at the airport she was almost boarded into economy class and how she likely ruined the attendant's day with a single death stare for the lack of attention to her first class ticket. Charlotte playfully rolled her eyes and replied, "It's the entitlement for me." Earning a gentle slap to thigh from Mia as two of them giggled at her airport dilemma.

After a good catch up and some much needed cuddles and giggles, Charlotte delicately placed her hands on the back of Mia's neck and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She missed this. The more Charlotte's feelings grew, the more it hurt when her mean redhead had to leave town. Despite being pretty certain that Mia felt the same way, Char would never dream of holding her girlfriend back from finding her father and ultimately, finding peace.

Mia was in fact exhausted, but she wouldn't have it any other way. As she slouched on the sofa with Char laying on her chest, she started contemplating their future together. She hadn't yet met the girls, she was happy to wait until Char felt it was time, but she hoped that was soon. Mia was tired of searching, tired of the uncertainty, tired of being away from her sweetheart. She was ready for the next step, and more often than not, she found herself imagining a stable and warm home with Charlotte and her girls.

She pulled herself from her thoughts and noticed that her lover had fallen asleep draped over her. Mia smiled and placed a soft peck to Char's head as she took a deep inhale. As she took in her sweetheart's aroma, she knew. That was her home. Charlotte was her home.

A Mialotte Story: Good in a crisisWhere stories live. Discover now