Chapter 3

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Lucifer wakes up and he feels a presser on his chest. He looks down and sees Alastors head on his chest and he's hugging his arm. His ear is twitching. Lucifer blushes hard I forgot he went back to Alastors room after the nightmare. He gently pets his ear. Alastor nuzzles into his chest more. Lucifer silently screams 'that's so fucking cute!!!' Alastor starts to wake up. Lucifer pretends to be asleep.

Alastor stretches sitting up yawning. He looks over and rubs his eye. He blushes softly watching Lucifer sleep, he gets up and walks to his bathroom to start getting ready for the day. 'I didn't have a single nightmare after Lucifer went to bed with me. How strange.' He looks at the shower and gets nervous 'did drowning really make me afraid of water?? No how absurd!' He turns on the shower and gets underdressed then gets in. He feels the water his back then he turns around. The water hits his face and he immediately feels like he can't breathe. He slips and falls making a very loud thud.

Lucifer runs in "Al did you fall??" "I'm fine get out!" Alastor is trying to hide his panic. Luicfer covers his eyes and grabs Alastor. "Hold on I got you." "Let go of me I am not decent!" "Shut the fuck up." Alastor calms down as soon as the water isn't touching him. He quickly wraps a towel around him. Lucifer looks "what happened why are you panicked?" "I'm not panicked." "I can tell you are what's wrong?? Did drowning traumatize you Al..?" "No! Go away!!"

Lucifer thinks and he goes downstairs and goes to Charlie "hey you went to school and got a license for therapy right?" "Yes! Why?" "I think drowning affected Alastor a lot more than we thought." "Oh no why do you say that??" "He got into the shower and panicked." Charlie gets worried and runs upstairs.

Alastor is looking in the mirror his shadow is brushing his hair while he fixes his over coat. "I need to try to get the water drained from the basement I never got to that yesterday is there a way you can get group A and F to try?" His shadow nods "yeah I can try but you know how group F has been recently." "Tell them they will do it or I'll kill then."

He looks behind him as Charlie runs in. "Good morning Charlie." She grabs him and runs downstairs. Alastor just lets it happen she's done this so many times he stopped caring. She puts him in the couch grabs a notebook and sits infront of him. "How are you feeling Alastor?" "Fine?" He's confused. "Dad told me Al. Let's talk about how drowning has made you feel." He gets up and walks away. "If you don't sit here and talk to me about your feelings I'm telling everyone you have a tail."

He looks at her betrayed. "Sit." He sits down and crosses his arms upset. "Now. How did drowning make you feel?" Alastor sighs. "scared." "okay okay thats a start!" Angel walks in. "Nope! common room off limits!" Charlie points at him dont let anyone in!" Angel leave quickly. "okay so you felt scared. what went through your mind when it was happening?" "i sen  the picture so i grabbed it, used my powers to save it. i felt my body force me to take breath, i felt the water go into my mouth and into my lungs then everything went black. the last thing i remember is thinking about how i was going to die, all alone, again."

Charlie writes it down. "When you say again you mean when you died when you were human?" "Yes." "what was more scary the fact you were gong to die or you were going to die alone?" "alone." She writes it down. "When you tried to take a shower this morning. what happened?" "i was fine when the water hit my back but when it hit my face i felt like i was drowning all over again." Charlie write down on her notebook. "okay, Al it seems like this has given you some trauma based on what you have told me. I want you to try to work with it, so im going to do some things to help you, we are going to start off super easy okay?" She goes outside into the back garden and he follows. She grabs the hose and turns it on. "It is super easy, all you need to do is put your hands in the water." "thats it?" "yes!" Alastor takes off his overcoat rolls up his sleeves then puts his hands under the water with no reaction. "easy! why dont we keep this moving since that was super easy?" she pulls out a small kiddie pool and fills it. "lets try standing in this!" Alastor snaps and his clothes change into swim trunks.

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