Chapter 4

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Lucifer wakes up and Alastor is gone. Alastor is in the kitchen making coffee he's waiting for the coffee maker to heat the water. Lucifer gets up and walks to the kitchen. Alastor sets the cup next to the maker then looks in the fridge for a snack. Lucifer walks in  "why are you making coffee??" "I wanted some. Does it matter?" "Well since our nap turned into a 2 hour sleep and it's now 5pm you'll never sleep now." "Oh well." "Okay weirdo what ever you want." Alastor rolls his eyes and pours his coffee.

Lucifer grabs some leftover tacos. "Don't come crawling to me when you can't sleep." "I don't plan on it." "Mhm sure sure says the one that sleeps so well when I'm in the bed with him." Lucifer smirks as he takes a bite. "Who said I sleep well in bed with you?" "Your snoring told me. Honestly surprised you're not an ugly sleeper." "What is that supposed to mean??" "I'm just saying you're ugly when you're awake so you should be ugly asleep too!" Lucifer laughs.

Alastor gets a sharp pain in his chest. He walks away quickly not saying anything else he doesn't even grab his coffee. "Oh come in Alastor that was funny!!" Lucifer follows "what's wrong?!" Lucifer grabs his arm. "What are you trying to do Lucifer!!?" Lucifer takes a step back surprised "what.. what are you talking about??" "First you're mean then you're nice then you act like you care about me then you're being a dick again!! Will you just pick already!!!? Do you hate me or not!!?" "Alastor.. I..." "Just pick already so I can decide on how I feel!"

Lucifer gets more confused "I..I don't know.. I.. Alastor I do care about you I just.." "you just what?" Alastor back is still to him. "I don't know..." Alastor looks behind his eyes watery even he doesn't know why he's crying, hearing Lucifer call him ugly really got to him. "Then I'm just going with your last comment..." Alastor vanished into his shadows. "Alastor wait!! Fuck!" Husk walks in "what's going on in here!?" "I fucked up..." Lucifer sighs sitting in the floor hugging his legs. "Alastor is really upset with me and.. I don't think an I'm sorry and a song is going to cut it..."

Husk looks around "Alastor is a simple man, way more simple than you think. Dark Chocolate and sour lemonade." "What?" "Get him dark chocolate and lemonade. That's what his dad would always bring him on the weekends after he got off work." Lucifer stands up "thank you!!" "You didn't hear it from me." Husk walks away.

Lucifer vanishes and goes it the store. Alastor closes and locks his room. He wipes his face "why am I crying!?" He sits next to his bed and leans against it. "I don't do crushes I don't care people think I'm ugly! Why is him calling me ugly so upsetting!?" Lucifer knocks on the door nervous. Alastor gets up and opens the door. He quickly slams it in his face. "Alastor wait please.. I want to talk i want to really talk about this.. no more dodging it no more.. being.. weird about it.." Alastor opens the door.

Lucifer holds out the bag "I got you stuff..." Alastor takes the bag confused and looks inside. "Dark chocolate and lemonade..? He looks at him. "How did you know I liked this stuff??" "A hunch?" Alastor lets him in then closes the door behind him.

Lucifer stands there trying to figure out what to say. "Alastor I just... I don't know what's going on... I hated you at first I really did and then I started to not hate you but I hated how I didn't.. it.. didn't feel right but you kept letting me do these things like cuddle you when we had that nightmare or or wash the maple syrup from your hair! All that felt so.. good to do..! I... your a sinner and I'm.. I'm me! I can't be in love with a sinner!!" " love..?" Alastor blushes. Lucifer's whole face goes red "yes okay! Alastor I.. I've fallen in love with you okay..! And... I don't know what to do... I don't know what I'm doing anymore..! Lilith vanished for 7 years! I don't know how to be a good partner anymore I don't know how anything works anymore..!"

Alastor sets the bag on the bed "I don't either... I've.. never been in an actual relationship before... someone asked me out as a joke one time then make fun of me and.. outed me to the entire school..." Lucifer listens "I had to change school after father went down there and punched the principal" he chuckles softly Lucifer laughs softly "really??" "Yeah apparently he broke his nose and he had a black eye for a month only reason father didn't get arrested is because he threatened to tell everyone that he was also gay and cheating on his wife. So he pressed charges."

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