Chapter 28

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TW? I am not sure if anything in this chapter would require a TW but im going to out it anyway just incase)

Alastor stretches waking up. Lucifer looks over and smiles. "Hello sleepy head." He sits up yawning. "Hello. How ling was i asleep?" "A long ass time, its 8 in the morning." "I slept that long!? Im so sorry..!" "No no baby your body did it because of the pain its okay." "Okay." "Soooo you talked in your sleep." "I did?" "Mhmm." "What goofy thing did i say?" He chuckles. "Oh just that you wanted another baby and to name her Max." Alastor goes silent then laughs nervously. "Baby do you want to have another baby?" "What no! We have Cody!" He gets up. "That is insane."

Lucifer raises an eyebrow. "Mhm yeah sure you are so full of it." "What? No." He backs away "well i better go check on everyone i also think I heard Angel calling me so." He vanishes. Lucifer laughs getting up. "Oh boy. He has gotten bad at lying to me."

Alastor appears next to Angel. "Angel." He jumps falling off the couch. "Fuck! Al! You know i hate that!" "I know im sorry" Alastor groans leaning back. Angel gets onto the couch "Whoa what's wrong?" "I sleep talk now apparently." "Oh no what happened?" "I told Lucifer just wanted another baby.." "do you?" "No! Yes..? Maybe? I dont know.."

Cody runs in and jumps into Alastor. "Papa!" "Yes Bubba?" He hugs him tight. "I love you papa!" "Oh i love you too bubba." He holds him close smiling. Cody holds into his face. "Why are you upset Papa?" "Im not upset." "Yeah you are your ears are flat." He quickly raises them and smiles bright. "Papaaaa." "Im okay Cody really." "Is it because Papa wont let us have another baby?"

Angel laughs. "Oh boy." "Oh uh no Bubba." "Im going to convince him for you Papa!" Cody runs off to his art table. "He is so much like Charlie sometimes." "Her and him draw everything at this point."

Angel lays across his lap. "If you want another kid just tell him." "I dont know Angel an actual baby is alot, Cody was already old enough to talk walk and do everything to make our lives easier, a baby can't communicate at all it cries and we have to guess what it wants." "Yeah but babies are so cute." Alastor subconsciously pets Angel. "Yes they are, they are dependent on you, you get to watch them grow from the very start, you can see all their achievements, their first work, first steps, first full sentence, first kill, watching her play with Cody, seeing Cody be a big brother and being protective over. Dressing her in cute clothes, teaching her how to VooDoo if she wants to."

Angel is enjoying the petting so he says nothing about it. "Al you want another kid." "Okay i do! But we have Cody we can handle another kid!" He sighs. "And i dont think Lucifer wants another kid." "He might did you ask??" "No." "Then ask!" "Angel we are guys how are we going to have a baby?" "Your father in law is literally god!" "Oh right." He looks down and quickly stops petting him. "How long have i been doing that im sorry!" "Noooo dont stop!" He goes back to petting him laughing. "Okay."

Husk and Lucifer walk in. Husk gasps dramatically "petting my fiancé!? Rude!" Lucifer does the same. "How could you do this Alastor!?" They all laugh. "Babe come on we are going to be late." "Right!" "Where are you two going?" "Oh we have a reservation for breakfast!" "Have fun!" They leave.

Five walks in half asleep his face has stubble from not shaving yet. "Well good morning." "Mm hi.." "you look rough are you okay??" "Oh yeah im fine i stayed up waiting for Lisa to tell me she got to the hotel safe." "Did she?" "I dont know she never texted me.. im sure she's fine! The trip was long so im sure she was too tired to text back." "Especially with a kid its extra rough." He laughs. "Yeah so im sure shell text me soon."

He sits on the couch yawning. "How long are they going to be there??" "Only for a couple days. Shes been so excited about this trip she loves swimming." "Cant blame her so do it." He feels his phone buzz. "There she is now!" He looks "oh wait thats not her, i don't recognize this number." He answers. "Hello?" They sit next to him. "Yeah this is him." His smile fades and it his expression goes into shot and horror. "Five??" "Okay... i..ill be there in a few..." he hangs up tears welling in his eyes. "That was the hospital in Lust... Lisa got into an accident.." he grips his phone.

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