Chapter 6

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"Alastor!!" Lucifer runs in. Alastor is pinned against the wall by something invisible. Alastor is holding his neck showing it is chocking him. Hes too weak to fight back. "Hold on baby!" Alastor reaches out to Lucifer his eyes tearing up. Lucifer jumps his horns coming out. Right before he gets close enough go grab what ever is holding Alastor they vanish. "NO!!"

Lucifer looks around panicked. He runs to everyone "something took Alastor!!" Everyone stands up. "What!?" "I think it was the thing that sewed his mouth! He told me a week after he got here it sewed his mouth as a punishment..! I wasnt able to grab him and hes invisible i dont know where they went!!" He paces around.

God grabs his shoulders. "Lucifer calm down you need remember how i raised you. What did i teach you growing up. How do you track someone when you cant see them?" "Using my other senses..." "yes. What did you hear what did you smell what did you feel?" Lucifer thinks "okay uh uh i heard nothing i felt nothing i smelled, he smelled like.. lava!"

"Where is Lava?" "The lava river! Come on! All hands in deck!" Charlie grabs her shield, Vaggie her spear, Husk his cards, Angel all his guns. Niffty her knifes." God teleports them to the Lava river.

Alastor is tied up his mouth gagged. Hes hanging upside down above the lava. He tries to get out. The ropes wont let him do anything his shadow cant even appear. 'Fuck me.' He looks around. Suddenly the gag is removed. "Hello Alastor. Remember me?" "No." "I- excuse me!? You dont remember me!?" "Who are you? Last i checked i cant even see you so how am i supposed to know." The man slaps him hard. "Okay smart ass."

Alastor winces. "I just want to add hanging me above lava. Very original." "Shut up!" He punches him in the gut. Alastor coughs blood. "I will sew your mouth fucking shut asshole!!" "Someone's getting angry." "Thats it!" A needle appears infront if him. "Go ahead. I have people coming." "Oh Lucifer? He cant see me. He cant even touch me!" "Well him everyone at the hotel and not to mention our house guest." "Oh what IMP do you over?" "No IMP." "Oh im sure hes sooooo tough." "I think you need to stop talking bad about him." "Oh why?"

They appear and God smirks. "Because hes talking about me." The guy looks behind him and immediately gets scared. "G-god... your house guest is.. God..?" He gulps "oh yeah did i not mention that? I dont think i got to that yet, yes God is over, hi God." "Hi Alastor. Nobody else can see you??" Everyone shakes their heads. "Its a good thing this dude is ugly as fuck."

The man grabs Alastor and puts a knife to his throat. "Stay out of this!" Alastor sighs. "Can someone hurry im getting dizzy and i cant see him but i can smell him, im about to puke." God walks to him and grabs the man by the back if his shirt lifts him up then drops him in the lava. "Okay easy." God grabs Alastor and lays him on the ground. Lucifer runs to them and rips the rope. "Are you okay..!?" "Yes im alright." Lucifer hugs him. Alastor hugs back. "Im so sorry..! I knew you were weak and i just left you..!"

Alastor smiles "im alright love." God crosses his arms. "Honestly that was really boring and easy." The man emerges from the Lava. "There we go! This will be fun." God smirks. Lucifer grabs Alastor and flies up holding him tight. Alastor grips him getting a very bad feeling.

God cracks his neck. "Never fought a man covered in lava before this is going to be great." Everyone gets ready. "Ill kill you all!!" They all attack him. Alastor sends his shadow demons to make sure they take the blows and protect them. Lucifer watches nervous. Alastor looks at Lucifer. "I have a bad feeling.." "My dad is here. Im sure its fine."

God looks up at Lucifer. The guy sets God on fire. God stands there unfazed. "Oh uh, oooooh oooow such pain. God punches him in the face. The lava flies everywhere as the guys head explodes. "Okay done." God looks up "is he still okay?? Make sure that guy didnt do anything else thats not visible."

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