Chapter 26

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(Longest chapter i have ever done. There are so many words i had to start writing in my notes because my phone cant handle the word count and was lagging so bad I couldn't even type. Word count: 16,606)

Lucifer is texting someone. "Hey who are you texting?" Husk walks over to him. "Oh Alastor, i made him take a phone with him so we can communicate still just incase something happens with Cody." "And he agreed!?" "Of course he loves me." "Okay uh anyway someone is here for you hes in the common room." Lucifer becomes very confused and then shocked when he walks in. "Husk nobody comes in."

Stoals is sitting on the couch wiping his face and sniffling. Lucifer hands him a tissue. "Thank you.." he wipes his face. "Whats going on Stolas..?" He sighs. "Me finally getting the consequences for my actions..." "what do you mean?" "I fell for an IMP... and and I thought he was in it as much as i was but i was wrong.. i was so very wrong.. he came over and told me exactly how he felt about me.." he tears up "ive never felt so hurt by someone thinking so low of me..." he cries into his hand. "Oh Stolas... its okay.." "im sorry... i.. i dont have anyone... i didnt know where to go..." "you're always welcome here.."

Stolas wipes his face. "You're set to be married today.. this isn't exactly what i would have called the best time to come..." "theres never a wrong time when you need help Stolas, that just means youll be attending!" "Oh i cant i hate to be even more of a pain then i am right now..." "nonsense! Plus you're really tall and can help with decorating!"

Stolas laughs "I suppose i can do that yes." Lucifer puts his hand on his shoulder then gasps "Stolas what happened??" He sees the bandage. "Oh i got kidnapped and was almost killed. I've healed most of the way." "What!?" "Im alright." Lucifer growls then calms himself. "Okay. Well why dont you meet the others that have been patiently waiting to see who is in here." He chuckles. "I woudnt let anyone in. Come in guys."

They all walk in and look at him. He wipes his face then stands up "Hello." He takes off his crown smiling softly. "My name is Stolas its a pleasure." He bows. "Im sorry for coming in so abrupt like that." "No its okay, are you okay now?" Charlie smiles softly. "Yes i am better now thank you." "Soooo your a prince hm?" Angel smirks. "Uh yes, i am." "Do you drink super expensive alcohol??" "Uh.. sometimes?" Husk smacks the back of his head. "Angel." "What im just wondering!" "Its alright" Stolas chuckles. "i love curiosity, i am happy to answer any question you have."

Five runs inside his helmet still on. "Five?? You okay??" Charlie looks worried "Yeah i forgot my fucking wallet!" Stolas watches him run past and he blushes softly. 'Whao..' He runs back out. "Bye!" Stolas clears his throat. "Shall we decorate?" "Yeah!" Everyone helps and it takes Stolas mind off Blitz completely. "Oh how fun!" He sets the flowers in the vase. "Oh this looks wonderful!" Lucifer smiles. "Yeah it does!" "Are you doing a first look?" "Yeah we are. Its in." He looks at the time "fuck an hour!" Lucifer runs upstairs.

Stolas laughs. "Oh my." Husk and Angel walk up to him. "Thats for your help Stolas!" "You are quite welcome! I love decorating! Its so much fun!" He spots the bookshelf. "Whos books are those?" "Those? Everyone's but Alastor is the only one that reads them, you can read them if you want." Stoals runs over there excited "ive never seen these ones!! Or those! So much new information! Oh i love reading!"

Husk and Angel cant help but chuckle. Stolas gasps and grabs one. "I had this one as a kid! Oh i loved this book so much! Then father burned it.." "what!? Why!?" Angel looks at the book. "Its okay to be gay." "He burned that!!!?" "He said it wasnt proper for a noble to be such a." He makes air quotes "disgusting" "thing.. he wanted to make sure i made an air for the thrown.." Stolas looks down at the book. "Thats fucked up man." Husk crosses his arms. "Oh all nobles are like that. Thats just.. how it is. Your born you get raised by servant, rarely see your father or mother, maybe once a year. When you are old enough you get told your purpose, never see them again after that. Then when you become of age you get put an arranged marriage, you make a child that will become next for the thrown and hope you actually like your spouse... you.. dont get alot of freedom as a noble.."

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