Mini Chapter

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(Dont worry the next chapter is coming it is the lonest one yet! here is a mini one imagine this is like the shorts of tv shows or i guess its called One Shot? idk but its where its just a fun chapter but has nothing to do with the main story.)

Alastor sits up holding his head. "Shit.. i drank to much.." he looks around "huh..? This..?" He looks at his hands "im human...? Im in my... old home..!" He stands up confused. He looks around. "God what happened? Was.. was that all a dream... did I really.." he tears up. "Lucifer.. Cody.. i... dreamt you..?" He tears up. The radio talks about another body found. He gets out of bed then punches the wall hard. "No... no no no no no fuck!" He takes a deep breathe then gets ready for the day. It all feels wrong. He's dizzy and lightheaded. He has a very painful headache as well. Maybe.. i should go see a doctor..."

He leaves the house holding his head. "Whats going on with me..." He tries to act normal but its hard since his vision is starting to get blurry. He trips and someone catches him. "Whoa you okay??" "Yes.. yes im fine.." "are you sure you look like you're about to pass out." "Im... fine..." he stands up but then immediately faints. "Oh fuck!" The man catches him and rushes him to the hospital.

When Alastor wakes up hes lying in the hospital bed. He feels alot better but not fully better. He blinks and looks around. "Hey feeling better?" He looks over at the man and sits up quickly. "L-lucifer..?" Lucifer looks at him confused. "Uh yeah thats my name.. how did you know that?" "Uh.. i heard a doctor call you it.." "oh okay, uh anyway. Im glad your feeling better the doctor said you were extremely dehydrated. You could have died." "I appreciate the help. Uh Alastor my name is Alastor heartfelt." "Yeah the doctor told me." "Right right sorry im still a little.. disoriented."

Lucifer smiles softly. "Dont worry its okay. Im going to help you get home when you get discharged okay?" "Yeah.. okay." The doctor diagnoses it as a dehydration and a migraine. 

After he can leave Lucifer takes him home. Alastor is able to walk but hes still a little unbalanced. They walk into the bayou then to his home. "Whoa you live here??" "I have my whole life yes." He pulls his keys out of his pocket but drops them. "Shit.." "i got it." Lucifer grabs the keys then unlocks the door. He helps him in side. As soon as they walk in the blood stain of where Alastor killed his uncle is seen. "Uh.. you uh get hurt..?"

Lucifer becomes very nervous. 'Oh fuck hes a murderer isnt he I just helped him oh fuck hes going to kill me next!' "My uncle killed my parents then tried to kill me. I took his life in self defense.." "oh shit i think i heard that. Im so sorry.." "its fine.."

Alastor sits on the couch his body aches hes so confused on whats going on nothing feels real to him. "hey uh im going to go okay?" Alastor nods he takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes. He lets out a shaky breath. 'I still dont understand.. why am i here.. why.. is that Lucifer..? how could i have dreamt all that.. I want to go home.." 

He slowly lays down his eyes closed tight as he hugs the couch pillow tight. 'please i want to go home please let me go home.. i want my Lucifer.. this isnt Lucifer i want MY Lucifer.. God.. can you hear me..? or.. have a really gone so crazy..?' Lucifer closes the door behind him as soon as he hears the door latch he starts to cry. 'this isnt a dream is it..? i really am alive... why..!?' 

The door opens again and Lucifer walks back through. "im going to stay with you.. I.. im sorry but i have this gut feeling i need to so im going to." Alastor looks at him. "whoa.. are you okay? Why are you crying..?" He quickly wipes his face "Doesnt matter, you do not need to stay im fine." Alastor gets up and walks to his kitchen. Lucifer follows "too bad i am anyway." "Why?" "i told you, i have a feeling i need too!" "thats stupid,  gut feeling are not a thing. its your brain making you overthink and you have a physical reaction. Thats it." "well.. im staying okay so deal with it!"

Alastor sighs. "you are annoying. why couldn't anyone else have caught me or even better why coudnt you have just let me lay on the sidewalk?" "uh because you were dying!?" Alastor takes a drink of water. "death is better then this hellish world." Lucifers eyes widen. "were you dying because of a failed suicide attempt..?" 

Alastor thinks and remember he did take a bunch of pills in his "dream" He talked to Angel about it one time he said he failed but someone took him to the hospital, it wasn't Lucifer. how could he have dreamt all of that, not to mention its getting very confusing now. "Uh i think so?" 

Lucifer gasp. "you think so!? why would you do that..?" "are you not listening to a word im saying? this place is hell. why would you even want to stay here? the government sucks the country is so poor we can barely afford bread and nobody is doing anything about it! this is no place to living." "its getting better! we are getting better! the money is becoming less of a problem! i know itll end soon!" "it doesnt end until 1941 idiot." "how...? thats a pretty stupid guess. thats 8 years from now!" "and when did this start exactly??" "..1929.." "its been happening for 3 years now, its not stopping. best thing to do it get it over with now."

Lucifer grabs Alastor. "i wont let you kill yourself! do you hear me! i wont let you!"

Alastor wakes up gasping, he looks around hes back in hell, Lucifer is asleep next to him. He gets so happy he tears up, and hugs Lucifer tight. "huh..? Baby..?" "i love you so much!" "awe i love you too babe." Alastor nuzzles into him calming down, Lucifer holds him close and they both fall back asleep.

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