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Later that day once everyone settled in Kara and Lena decided to make dinner for everyone. Well Kara did...Lena helped chop the vegetables. "What are you cooking?" Alex asks. "I'm making some lasagna. Lena's making salad." Kara replies. "Want some help?" Alex asked. "Trying to avoid mom?" Kara asked. "Shut up...she's asking me when I plan to start making plans to purpose to Kelly..." Alex groans. "Well when are you gonna make Kelly an honest woman?" Lena asked. "The same time you decide to make my sister a honest woman!" Alex replied.

"Alex...if you aren't gonna help, then get out of my kitchen." Kara stated. "Fine..." Alex said with a huff. "Your kitchen?" Lena asked softly. "Yes, my kitchen." Kara replied. "Hmmm maybe I should purpose to you sooner than later. Then I could have myself a sexy little minx of a housewife." Lena purred in Kara's ear. "Lena! You can't say stuff like that now! My mom's in the other room!" Kara groaned. "Sorry love..couldn't help myself." Lena cooed. "Bullshit..put this in the oven and set the timer for thirty five minutes." Kara replied as she passed Lena the lasagna pan.

Lena smiles at her girlfriend as she pops the pain into the hot oven. "What now love?" Lena asks. "Now you and I are gonna finish this salad and later we'll come in and heat the breadsticks up." Kara said. "Ok, let's shall we join everyone else." Lena says. Kara and Lena quickly join everyone in the living room a minute later. "So do you do all the cooking Kara?" Eliza asked. "Most of the time yes. Lena does make really good toast int he mornings though." Kara replied. "Oh Lena dear, I think you should let me teach you how to cook." Eliza replied.

Lena looked at Eliza with wide eyes. "I really like this penthouse...I'd hate to have to move." Kara replied laughing. "Kara that's nice to say about your girlfriend! I'm sure Lena will be a fast learner." Eliza replied. "Kara's right...I've had bad experiences cooking on my own." Lena admits. "Oh...do you at least help cook?" Eliza asks. "Yes. I chop vegetables and get things out for Kara, and do the dishes after every meal we make here." Len replied. Eliza smiles at hearing this. "That's good. Whatever you made smells good Kara." Eliza says. "Thanks mom, it's lasagna, and Lena's made a salad, and later I'm gonna go heat the breadsticks up." Kara replied.

"Well...I'm certainly looking forward to eating it!" Sam says licking her lips. Everyone erupts in laughter at this.

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