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A few hours later Lena walked into Cat Co and began looking for Kara. "Miss Luthor? Can I help you?" Cat Grant asked. "Yes! Can you tell me where I can find Kara Danvers?" Lena asked. "What do you want her for?" Cat asked. "Cause she's my soulmate that's why. Now where does she sit?" Lena asked. "Her office is across the bullpen over there." Cat stated pointing to the door on the furthest side of the wall. "Thank you!" Lena replied as she strutted over to the door.

"It's open!" Kara called when she heard someone knocking on her door. "Hello Kara!" Lena greeted. Kara's head snapped up from her laptop. "What are you doing here? I thought we were supposed to meet outside!" Kara exclaimed. "I'd thought I'd come here to pick you up. Are you almost finished?" Lena asked. Kara watched her as she sat on the small couch and watched her. "Almost." Kara replied. "Well, what do you do when you're not working?" Lena asked.

"Well on Tuesday nights I have sister night with Alex. On Friday nights it's game night where all my friends come by and well we play games. The rest of time I run in the morning and at night I just sit in my apartment and watch movies. Sometimes on weekends Alex, her girlfriend Kelly and I go see our mom. What about you?" Kara asked. Lena stared at her wondering what she should say in response. 'Kara has a life outside of work. I don't.' Lena thought to herself.

"I used to work all the time, but that's when I thought I didn't have a soulmate. Now I won't continue working so much so I can get to know you. So where would you like to eat tonight? What's your favorite food?" Lena asked. "Anywhere I'm not picky. My favorite food is probably potstickers or pizza, hence why I run every morning. What about you?" Kara asked. "Well I was thinking we could go to this place where they make incredible Chinese food." Lena replied. "Ok, but what's your favorite food?" Kara asked. "I like just about anything, but my favorite food is chicken Alfredo." Lena replied.

Kara began packing up her stuff as Lena watched her. "You're very organized aren't you?" Lena asked. "Yes..." Kara replied. "So were you too convinced that you didn't have a soulmate?" Lena asked. "Yea, I had told Alex that I probably didn't have one so I just got used to seeng everything in black and white." Kara replied. "I was the same way. I was just explaining to...Sam that I was giving up too. Then you looked up." Lena replied. "And just for the record my neck wasn't hurting." Kara replied with a smirk.

"Are you ready to go?" Lena asked. "Yep! I'm all set!" Kara replied. They walked out of Kara's office together and walked towards the elevator with everyone's eyes were on them. "Did you drive here?" Lena asked. "No. I walk to work." Kara replied. "Oh well my cars here." Lena replied.  They waked towards a black suv and Lena held open the back door allowing Kara in first. "Where to Miss Luthor?" A man asked. "Noonan's!" Lena said. "Very well!" The driver replied as he pulled away from the building.

A few minutes later they were arriving at the restaurant and gotten out of the suv. They quickly got a booth and took their seats as a waitress came over to take their drink orders. "So um...what movies do you like?" Lena asked. "Anything really, what about you?" Kara replied. "I don't really watch movies...since I used to work most nights." Lena replied. "Well I guess we'll have to have a movie night some time." Kara replied. "I'd like that." Lena replied. "Alright. How's Wednesday night sound?" Kara asked. "Sure! Your place or mine?" Lena asked. "Doesn't matter." Kara replied as they looked over the menu.

After dinner Lena had her driver take Kara to her place. "This is me..." Kara said as she got out of the suv. "I'll walk you up!" Lena exclaimed as she slid out of the car. The elevator ride was short and the walk to the door was shorter. "This is my place...would you like to come in for a drink?" Kara asked. "Uh...sure..." Lena replied hesitantly. "You don't want to...if you rather not." Kara replied. "No, it's ok." Lena replied. She followed Kara into her apartment and took it in. It was very homey but very neat and tidy.

"Wine? Or something stronger?" Kara asked as she pulled two glasses out of her cupboard. "Whatever's is fine with me. You have a lovely place Kara!" Lena stated. "Thanks!" Kara replied as she brought in two glasses of wine handing one to Lena before they sat down on the sofa together. "So do you cook or order in more?" Lena asked. "Both, depending on my work schedule." Kara replied. "Same with me. I used to cook all the time but with my work schedule prior this morning...I guess now I've got a reason to get off work early." Lena replied.

"Do yo have siblings?" Kara asked. "Yea, one older brother...Lex." Lena replied. "Oh thats nice. Do you see each other a lot?" Kara asked. "Nope. He is in Metropolis with his soulmate, we don't talk much except for family gatherings." Lena replied. "Oh ok..." Kara replied. "So Kara? Do you want kids in the future?" Lena asked. "Yea, one or two. What about you?" Kara asked. "Two would be good." Lena replied with a a smile.

As the night went on neither one of them realized that they were moving closer to one another like magnets. Eventually Kara had her arm around Lena's neck as Lena lay her head on her shoulder. "It's getting late..." Kara whispered. "Yea it is...I should probably get going." Lena replied softly. "Probably...here...I'll walk you to the door..." Kara whispered as they slowly stood up together. Lena kept looking at Kara's lips wondering what it would feel like to feel them against her own. "Kara..." Lena whispered. "Yes?" Kara asked. "Would it be ok if I kissed you?" Lena asked. "Yes..." Kara replied. Lena leaned in and captured the blondes lips with her own in a chaste kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow. I'll bring lunch to your office." Lena whispered. "Ok..." Kara replied with a smile. "Have a good night Kar..." Lena replied. "You too Lee." Kara replied as she shut the door.

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