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"What would you like to do tomorrow?" Lena asked as they got ready for bed. "Hmmm? Maybe we could have a game night? Invite our friends over or something. I can use the leftover taco meat to make a dip for chips." Kara replied. "Oh that does sound good...and it would be a great way to spend our Saturday night." Lena replied as she slipped underneath the covers. "Ok..I'll text everyone tomorrow and invite them over. Now come here love." Kara whispered as she pulled Lena into her arms. "You're always so warm. My very own personal heater." Lena cooed as she nuzzled into Kara's neck. Kara tightened her arms around Lena and began rubbing her back. "I love you." Kara whispered. "And I you." Lena replied before sleep over took them.

In the morning Kara woke up to Lena staring at her. "This is so creepy." Kara groaned. "It is not creepy! It's romantic!" Lena pouted. Kara pulled her into a chaste kiss and began rubbing her back. "You're right...it is kinda romantic..." Kara replied. "Come on...you made dinner last night...I'll watch you make breakfast." Lena replied with a smile. "Oooh...I'm gonna have to teach you how to cook then." Kara replied. "Only if you want to move again." Lena replied with a smile. "Ok...ok...I'll do the cooking. Come on sleepy head...let's get up, what would you like to eat?" Kara asked. "Hmm what about yogurt with strawberries and granola?" Lena asked.

Kara nodded as they walked into the kitchen and Kara began preparing breakfast while Lena made coffee. A few minutes later Kara put two bowls on the table before sitting down opposite Lena. "This looks delicious." Lena cooed as she picked up her spoon up. "Thank you love." Kara replied. "Yep! I was right! It's delicious!" Lena said as she took another big spoonful. "I'm glad you like it love." Kara replied with a smile.

After breakfast they took their time getting ready for their day together. "Hey you ok?" Lena asked. "Yea...just texted Alex, Kelly, Sam and Lucy to invite them over for tonight." Kara replied. "They coming?" Lena asked. "Yea! They're excited to come by tonight." Kara replied. "Good! While yo were showering I pulled out mor chicken for the dip." Lena replied. "Oh good! When it's ready I'll start the crockpot again. However in the meantime what would you like to do?" Kara asked. "How about we go for a walk?" Lena suggested. "Works for me, let's get going." Kara replied as they headed out of penthouse together.

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