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Later that night in the Danvers house Kara and Lena were lying in bed just listening to the silence around them. "Lee..you're thinking so loudly...whats wrong?" Kara whispered. "Nothing darling...everything is perfect." Lena replied softly. "Are you having fun?" Kara replied. "Yes darling I am. Your mom is very nice." Lena said. "I'm glad you two are getting on." Kara replied. "Me too." Lena replied as she wrapped her arms around Kara's waist nuzzling her face into Kara's chest. "I love you." Kara whispered. "I love you too." Lena replied.

Back in the Lane house Sam and Lucy were curled up in bed together sound asleep. "What do you think of her?" Ella asked looking at her husband. "I think she makes our Lucy very happy. And that makes me very happy." He replied. "I like her too. Now let's go to bed, we have a long day tomorrow." Ella said as they shut the door and headed to their own room. "I don't think it'll be too long till one of them purposes." Ella said. "I agree with you there." Mr. Lane replied.

In the Danvers house Kelly and Alex were asleep in bed when Eliza came around to check on everyone. She smiled at the sight of them curled up together, before she shut the door and continued down the hall. Pausing at Kara's room she looked in to see Kara lying on her back, and Lena curled up in her arms her dark hair spread across her youngest daughter's chest. It warmed Eliza's heart to see both her daughters with their soulmates. There were times when Eliza thought that they wouldn't find love. However when Alex bumped into Kelly as she left a coffee shop she knew that it would only be a matter of time til Kara found her soulmate too.

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