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Lena had their driver take them downtown where there were a logo of fancy stores to go into. "Lee...these are all way out of my budget." Kara groaned. "Don't worry about it Kara, let me spoil you this time." Lena replied. Kara glared at Lena who just smiled in response. The women walked around one store and Lena began grabbing different things and carrying them in her hands. "What do I need a new bag for?" Kara asked. "You are now the Editor In Chief. You need to look like it love. After this we'll go to my tailor and get you some suits made up." Lena replied. "Ok...just nothing too fancy Lee." Kara grumbled.

After buying Kara a few new bags, the women headed to Lena's tailor where they looked over different fabric swatches for various suits. "See anything you like?" Lena asked. "I'm thinking deep blues and burgundy's maybe some grays too." Kara replied. Lena looked over them and nodded in agreement. "Let's get you measured then." Lena said as Kara stood up and got onto the small table. The old man began measuring Kara's arms and legs and everything in between, marking the measurements down on a pad of paper. A few minutes later he was done and Kara stepped down. "Shoes to match are over there along that wall." The old man said.

Lena and Kara walked over to the shoes and began looking at them. "We'll take one pair of each!" Lena called out. "Really? Lee! These are expensive!" Kara grumbled. Lena pulled kara into her arms so that her face was only centimeters away from her face. "Let. Me. Spoil. You." Lena whispered. "Yes dear. You know...now people will be calling us some sort of power couple...right..." Kara replied rolling her eyes at the CEO. "Yes I know. I mean we already are now. An Editor In Chief and a CEO...we'll make headlines everywhere, including Cat Co." Lena replied as they continued looking at shoes.

After getting an estimate on when all ten of Kara's suits would be done they left to get Kara some dresses and skirts and dress shirts. "Now I know you don't like heels much so we'll stick to flats and regular dress shoes." Lena explained. Kara nodded knowing there would be no use in arguing. After a few shops they finally headed to an antique shop to get some unique decorations for Kara's office.

"Ooh look at these book ends. They'll look nice in your office." Lena cooed. "I don't have any books though Lee." Kara replied. "Well let's get you some then." Lena replied with a smile. "You're really enjoying this aren't you Lena?" Kara asked teasingly. "Oh I most certainly am darling. Now come on love we have more browsing to go." Lena said pulling Kara along behind her.

Several hours later the woman had the trunk of the suv full of stuff and were finally heading home for the night. "I think today went well. We can always get more things for it later on. And I can't wait to see you in those suits." Lena said. "Are we ordering in tonight?" Kara asked. "Oh yes probably be the best idea, its a little to late to cook something." Lena replied. "Ok. I'll order something now so it'll be be delivered by the time we arrive." Kara replied as she pulled her phone out.

A few minutes later they were home. Lena gave the new clothes to her driver to have them taken to the dry cleaners so they'd be ready by Monday. "What did you order?" Lena asked. "I went with Indian food tonight." Kara replied. "Oh that sounds lovely. I'm sorry about earlier in the stores." Lena replied as they got into some comfortable clothes. "It's all good Lee. I understand that now I'm supposed to dress the part...it's just all new to me." Kara replied. "I know...and thats why I'm here to help you. Oh that'll be the food." Lena said.

Kara pulled her shirt on and walked to the front door. "Thanks!" She replied as the guy handed over the dishes of food. Kara shut and locked the door and sat the stuff on the coffee table before going and pouring two glasses of wine. "I'll come in with you tomorrow morning and help you decorate your office." Lena said as she sat down beside Kara on the sofa. "That would be nice." Kara replied with a smile. "Movie?" Lena asked. "Sure. You pick." Kara replied. Lena picked out a rom com to watch as they ate their late dinner.

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