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The next day Kara went into work like normal. She took a seat in her office and waited to be given a job. "Kiera!" Cat Grant called. "Yes Miss Grant?" Kara asked as she stepped into the CEO's office. Cat stood up and handed her a file. "You have an interview with Lena Luthor today at two so prepare yourself." Cat stated. "Ok!" Kara replied as she headed back to her office to examine the file.

A few hours later in Lena's office she sat with her CFO Sam eating lunch. "Still no color?" Sam asked. "No. Mine doesn't exist."Lena replied. "Don't give up Lena....there's someone for everyone! Hey! Isn't today your big interview with Cat Co? Maybe the reporter will be them!" Sam replied. Lena rolled her eyes at her long time best friend. "I doubt it. It's probably going to be some incompetent child anyhow...whoever they send will probably be too busy babbling to take notes." Lena replied. "You don't know that Lee! But I'm gonna get out of your hair, so you can prepare for your interview." Sam said. "Oh you can stay..watch the moron babble." Lena replied with a smirk. "Alright! Maybe whoever it is will be my soulmate! Then I could tell you about all the pretty colors!" Sam teased.

Kara stood in the elevator waiting for it to get to the top floor. She held a notebook in her hands and a bag on her shoulder full of pens, her voice recorder, and her laptop so she could stop for lunch on the way back to Cat Co and start on her article. 'Ding!' The elevator doors opened up and she walked over to the small desk where a dark haired woman sat. "Hello? How can I help you?" The woman asked. "I'm Kara Danvers I'm here for the interview with Miss Luthor." Kara replied. "Ah yes! She's expecting you! You may go in." The woman said. "Thank you...." Kara trailed off. "Jess!" The woman replied. "Thank you Jess!" Kara replied with a smile as she walked to the double doors.

Kara knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Come in!" A feminine voice called. Looking down Kara walked in and shut the door. "I'm Kara Danvers! I'm here to interview you on the new technology you're working on!" She explained as she looked at the brunette woman who sat on the sofa. "Oh um...she's in the bathroom right now. But sit! I'm Sam Arias, her CFO." Sam stated. Kara slowly sat next to the brunette and pulled out her stuff completely unaware that Lena was now in the room. "Is there anything you can tell me about the new technology?" Kara asked her head still down as she began writing on her pad of paper. "I'm currently working on technology that can help cancer patients recover faster." Another voice replied. "And what exactly is this technology made of? Is it nanotechnology? Bioengineering?" Kara asked again with her head down.

"Both. Is your neck sore or something?" The other voice asked. "No...I'm just concentrating on my notes." Kara replied. "Ah I see. Well if I was a reporter I'd be looking around taking in everything to add to your article." The voice replied. Kara rolled her eyes as she took a quick glance around the room. Suddenly her eyes landed on the other woman in the room and everything became colorful. 'Fuck!' Kara thought to herself as she quickly averted her eyes to her paper. "When will the technology be available to the masses?" Kara asked keeping her face stoic. "In six months time. It's still in the testing stages right now." The other woman replied.

Kara quickly wrote some stuff down before packing her things up. "Thank you for time Miss Luthor...Miss Arias..." Kara said as she began walking towards the door. However before she made it out someone grabbed her arm and pulled her around. "You see color! You've seen it since you looked at me. Were you gonna say something? Or were you just gonna walk out on me....soulmate?" Lena asked. Kara had no words. "I have to get back to work...and I barely know you Miss Luthor." Kara replied.

"So get to know me! I'll pick you up after work, we can go get some food." Lena replied. Kara looked at her curiously before responding. "Fine." Kara replied as she pulled out a scarp paper and wrote her number down before handing it to Lena. "My number. Let me know when you're on your way. I'll meet you outside." Kara replied then she walked out of the office. Kara did't look back at Lena, Sam or even Jess she just walked to the elevator and quickly pressed the down button.

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