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"I THOUGHT HE WAS YOU MICHAEL" I yell. "Calum what the hell?"

"You ass wipe!" Michael yells at Calum "out now"

"I'm so sorry Jess" Calum walks out.

"How drunk is he?" I ask

"Very!" Michael yells

"It's okay, you need to calm down!" I get up and walk over to him.

"My best friend just tried to have sex with my girlfriend, I'm not going to calm down" he pushes me away. "I bet you liked it"

"This isn't my fault Mikey! I didn't know! So stop putting all the blame on me!" I walk out of the room and lock myself in the bathroom. "Come talk to me when you're sober"

I lay in the bathtub. I was hoping Michael would come after my straight away, but no.

"Jess it's Luke, can I come in?" Luke Knocks on the door.

Why is luke coming to see me? I let him in anyway and he sits in the bath with me.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Being a friend"

"I only just met you"


"Where's Michael?"

"He left, I'm sorry"

"Where too?"

"I don't know"

Luke and I just sit in silence for awhile until Ashton comes in.

"Jess you might want to go outside"

I get up and walk outside to see Michael making out with some random girl.

I froze. I'm standing at the front door like an idiot. What the hell is happening? I'm broken to see him with someone else. This was meant to be our special weekend and now it's just one big mess.

I do the the only the I want to do. I go back up stairs and grab my stuff and walk straight passed Michael with the strongest face possible no matter how much I'm breaking inside.

On the way up I noticed a train station not to far away.

All I'm wanting is Michael to follow me and tell me that he's drunk and that he is sorry. But I know he is not going to too. If this is the end, it was the worst goodbye possible.

It took me 10 minutes to get the the train station. And this place is quite safe looking considering it's nearly midnight.

I hop on the train and put my earphones in. Maybe music will help, but just my luck as I press shuffle "the end of all things" by Panic at the Disco comes on.

I leave it play as I stare at the window. I don't get how fast things change or how fast people change. How do you really know how a person is when you haven't seen all their sides or how is trust built up on a first impression?

I hate to say that I regret things but right now I do. I regret changing, I regret not letting my old friends in and as hard as it is for me to say I regret meeting Michael. Call me young and stupid but I thought we were real.

It's hard to understand that things never stay the same because to many things change.

And there it was my first tear since the funeral. And man do I feel weak.

"Jess" I look up to see Luke.

I quickly wipe my tears away "What are you doing here?"

"It's okay, no need to wipe your tears away from me. It's alright to cry Jess" he takes a seat beside me.

"No it's not. Crying means weakness Luke" I take a deep breath.

"Crying doesn't show weakness. Crying means that you are strong enough to show your emotions."

"Why would Michael do that? I didn't mean to kiss Calum."

"I know and if I knew I'd tell you, now let me take you home safely"

It felt strange to actually have someone who cares about me beside me. It's been a while since I've actually had a real friend. But this is a weird thing because I only just met Luke and Luke is Michaels best friend so why is he here with me and there with Michael.

Am I over reacting? Why are things so messy. I should of stayed and slapped him across the face. I can only imagine how bad Calum feels, I think it was just the alcohol taking over his body.

The rest of the train ride Luke just kept trying to cheer me up. He told me some funny stories about his childhood even one where he peed his pants in front of the whole class in grade 3.

Luke walked me home and tucked me into bed.

"Luke please stay" I bite my lip "I don't want to be alone"


I can't thank Luke enough for being such a good person at a time like this. But some part of me still wishes that I was wrapped up in Michaels arms.

"I'm always going to be here for you now Jess" Luke whispers.

"but why? You're Michaels best friend, you should be with him and not me"

"I'm here because he can't stop talking about you, which means you mean a lot to him and I don't want him to regret loosing you"

"If I mean so much to him why was he making out with another girl?"

"I can't answer that because I'm not Michael. He's an idiot if you ask me"

"I didn't want to fall for him like I have"


"Because falling means getting hurt, falling in love describes its self, you fall"

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