New beggingings

22 1 0

It's time for me to move on from Michael. But does he still really love me? No forget about him Jess, someone else is willing to love you.

Yeah his best mate.

I do feel a little guilty. But I can't help it. I've caused a fight between Michael and his best mates. Is this connection between Cal and I worth the hurt?

I guess it just wasn't meant to happen. I was to caught up in the world of high school love.

And about school, I dropped out.  I'm working on getting a job but no one seems to want me.

"Jess Calum's here" Connor yells out.

I walk down stair and greet Calum with a kiss.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this" he laughs.

"Doing what?" I smile in confusion

"Us" he hugs me.

"Have you heard from Michael?" I raise the question.

"No. Why would I" he laughs.

"I feel bad for ruining you're friendship still"

"Stop being stupid. Now do you want to go to lunch?" He shakes his head.

"Sure" we head out the door and into his car.

"I'm glad Luke and Jan got away" I say.

"Yeah me too, they deserve to be happy" he smiles.

"Do you see us becoming like that?" I face him.

"I honestly don't know where we will end up. But I will try my best to make you as happy as them" he smiles at me.

He's so cute. His brown eyes have so much left to see and I'm in love with that.

"I'll try and do the same for you" I laugh.

"Are you still in love with Michael though? I don't want to be your rebound Jess, I like you to much" he pulls over in front of the pizza place.

"Calum you're not my rebound"

"You didn't answer the first part of my question"

"No Cal, I'm not in love with him anymore. That part of my heart shattered" I smile as I kiss him on the cheek. "I'm will to have a new beginning with you"

We both get out and walk into the pizza place and sit down.

"Can I take-" the waiter pauses. His voice sounds familiar. I turn to see Tony.

"You work here?" I laugh.

"Yeah, you've got a new boyfriend I see" he now sounds angry.

"This is Calum" I introduce. "Cal this is Tony"

"What would you like?" Tony doesn't make eye contact.

"Just a meat lovers please, we can share" Cal smiles.

He already knows my favourite pizza.

Tony walks away with our order.

"So how do you know Tony?" Cal asks.

"We used to be friends, he beat up Michael once" I say.

"Oh okay, is he going to do the same to me?"

"No" I laugh. "Just ignore him. He's an ass hole"

Tony comes back and places the pizza down.

After eating Cal pays for me and we leave.

"Thanks for lunch Cal" I smile into the kiss.

"It's okay, do you want to go to the beach? I don't want to take you home yet"


"I know this really private spot"

"Is it the same spot Michael goes to?" I take a deep breath.

"Did he take you there?" Cal raises his eye brows.

"Yeah it where he told me about his passed" i sink into the car seat. "But we can still go there. It is really pretty"

"No we can go somewhere else. I don't want you to bring up old memories. I'd rather us make new ones together"

"Thanks" i sit back up.

"How about we get some ice cream instead?"

"I'd love that"

Cal drives to the ice cream parlour. Which was only around the corner.

We get out and go to the counter.

"What's you're favourite flavour on the count of three" Cal laughs "1, 2, 3"

"Mint choc chip" we say in sync

"That's incredible" the cashier says. "Two cones of that.  I'm guessing?"

We both nod.

We get our ice cream and sit down.

"Was this a date Calum Hood?" I laugh

"I think it was" he laughs back.

"Good" I smile.

We finish our cones and Cal drives me home.

"I had a really nice time Cal" I say.

We were standing in front of my front door.

"Any time with you is a nice time" he smiles.

He pulls me into his chest and places his lips on mine. I don't know why but this kiss feels more passionate than any kiss I ever had with Michael.

"I love you Jess" Cal smiles.

Oh shit he loves me.

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