Uh what?

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I still haven't processed what has happened to me.

I can't help but think I've messed up.

Now that I think about it I think Jan had something really important to tell me and all I could say was that I'm getting married.

"Michael!" I yell

"Yeah?" He yells back while running down the stairs.

"Can you take me to see Jan?" I smile

"Okay" he gets his car keys.

We both hop into his car.

I feel nervous. Should I? I mean what if she's going to tell me that she's moving or that she doesn't like me anymore.

Now I'm just being selfish.

When we arrive I knock on the door.

"Hey" Luke opens the door with a fake smile. "Congrats by the way"

"Thanks man" Michael bro hugs him.

Luke invites us in.
I look to my right to see Jan snuggled into the couch. He red bloodshot eyes look at me.

"Omg are you okay?" I run and hug her. 

"Uh yeah" she quickly wipes her eyes and sits up.

I see her look at Luke.

"She was just looking at old pictures, aye babe" Luke comes over and rubs her shoulders.

"I know that's a lie" I laugh. "No, seriously, what's wrong"

Jan breaks down in tears and nods to Luke.

"We-" he pauses and looks at her "we lost the baby" he then takes a deep breath.

"Oh Jan" I hug her. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you earlier"

"It okay" she sniffles back. "Can we do anything else right now"

"Sure, like what?" I ask

"Well Luke and I were watching Netflix, do you two just wanna join?"

"Yeah sure, I'll go get some food" I walk to the kitchen.

"Why did you say yes Jess?" Jan walks in.

"Because I love him?"

"Yeah but marrying him isn't going to solve anything. You've also got to ask yourself are you in love with him or the feeling?"

"I don't understand why you're having this conversation with me Jan"

"Because I care about you"

"You all told me that I should get back with Michael and that I should forgive him and now that I have you're here telling me I shouldn't marry him!"

"You just had a fight with him, don't you think you should just get out all your feelings first and try harder before you go rushing into something permanent?"

"I don't get why you're seriously talking to me like this right now, I love Michael and that's the truth. Why are you having second guesses? Is there something you know that I don't?" I glance at her

"Well-" she starts

"What's going on in here?" Michael walks in.

"Nothing" I leave the room.

Great. Now my best friend hates what I'm doing with my life.

Why did she ask me those kind of questions. Everyone know Michael and I love each other. So why is she being like that?

I hop into Michaels car. And wait for him.

I can hear Jan yelling.

"You should just tell her! For fuck sake Michael! You're going to ruin her!" I hear her.

"It doesn't even matter now!" He yells back.

"Guys please stop" I hear Luke now.

"Fuck you both" I hear Michaels voice getting closer.

He hops in and slams his door and drives off.

"What was that about?" I ask him.

"Nothing, don't worry" he grabs my hand. "We don't need them"

"We kinda do" I look and him.

His eyes were going glassy like he was about to cry.

"Michael just pull over and we can talk" I bite my lip.

As he does.

"Tell me the truth Michael" I stare into his eyes.

"I've fucked up again" he bursts into tears.

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