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"Michael and I are getting married" Jess tells on the phone.

Yeah because that will solve all their problems.

"Congrats Hun!" I act happy for her. Not that I'm not but they fight half of the time, it just seems a little unhealthy.

"Well I better go" she hangs up.

I rang her to tell her my news. I wanted to tell her first.

I'm broken. I can't even do the one thing a woman is supposed to do, carry a baby.

I've been crying for the past hour, I went to my scan and the baby is gone. I lost it.

I haven't told Luke. I knew something was wrong. That's why I went by myself.

Luke will be here soon so I quickly clean myself up but it's too late.

"I'm home!" He yells.

"Hey" I try and pull back my croaky voice.

"What's wrong" I can now here him walk up stairs. 

"Nothing" I lie.

"I know that voice, and it's not a happy one babe" he curls his arms around me and rubs my belly.

I pull away.

"What did I do?" He bites his lip.

"Nothing, it's all me" I yell.

"What's happened Jan!" His concerned voice raises.

I take a deep breath. He's your husband. Just tell him.

"I cant do the one thing a woman is supposed to do Luke" I start to cry.

"But you can cook!" He laughs.

"Luke. I'm being serious!" I giggle a little between sobs.

"Just tell me" his blue eyes stair into mine.

"The baby, it's gone" I fall to the ground and cry in between my legs.

"What do you mean it's gone?" He sits on the cold bathroom ground beside me.

"I've had a miscarriage Luke" I look at him with tears running down my face.

"Oh honey, it's okay, everything happens for a reason. Do you know why?" He wraps his arms around me.

"I can't have children Luke, something about my ovaries. I couldn't really hear anything over my heart beating after the doctor told me it was gone" I sob on his shoulder.

"So you can never have children?"

"Very unlikely"

"It's okay, there's other ways. We still have each other right?" He gets up and hands me his hand. "Let's go do something"

"Like?" I take his hands.

"Be happy" he places his two thumbs on my cheeks and wipes away my tears.

"So that means Netflix right?" I smile.

"Spot on" he kisses my lips softly. "Have you told anyone else?"

"No. I called Jess but all she could talk about was her and Michael getting married" I take a deep breath and hold back my tears.

"Are you kidding me? He proposed?" Luke rolls his eyes.

"Nope. I'm not kidding you."

"Like oh my god. They just had a big fight. Michael is stupid. Like I'm sure they love each other. But gee they've only been dating for what? Like 8 months or something?"

"I don't even know Luke, anyway. Is our Netflix date still on?" I smile.

"See I love that"

"Love what?"

"Your smile. It looks so good on you Jan. You know what else looks good on you?"


"Me" Luke picks me up from my legs and throws me over his shoulder.

"Lucas! Put me down" I laugh. "You're so cheesy"

"You love it" he laughs.

"I love you, that's why I love it"

He puts me down.

"Why you gotta do that?" He laughs.

"Do what" I stop.

"Turn me on"

"Shut the eff up, I wanna watch Netflix"

"You're so cruel babe" we sit on the couch.

"You love it"

"Don't repeat me"

"I can do what I want bish" I laugh at him

"Don't bish me girlfrand" he jumps on me and tickles me.

"I love you Luke"

"That's why you said yes to being my wife"

And it is the reason.

I honestly do hope Michael and Jess work because everyone deserves a relationship like mine and Luke's.

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